this code optomizes HWP designs by varyign the thickness and index of each layer.
this concept is based on the work of N. Katayama, K. Komatsu, T. Matsumura, and Y. Sakurai these authors are preapring a manuscript on the LiteBIRD LFT HWP
descirbptions of their work can be found here (From p.13 and on)
this is active research I am posting it as a social experiment--- this if being developed for SO with the consent of the above authors. If you download and use this code, or the designs contained within and you are not part of SO, please pay me the curtesy of sending me a note at Do not publish any results from this code before the above authors publish. Please don't publish or take credit for these designs that will likley be used in SO without discussing this with us first.