This repository contains the Unity project of our VT-Sim for the paper Visual-Tactile Sensing for In-Hand Object Reconstruction
Other resources have been in the release.
In this simulation environment, we use both Python and Unity to cooperate to produce simulation dataset.
We use Python >= 3.7 to run the simulation environment. We recommend using Anaconda to manage the environment.
conda create -n vt-sim python=3.7
conda activate vt-sim
pip install -r requirements.txt
The file requirements.txt and python script is in the release, along with the hand urdf for loading in pybullet, the AKB models we use, and the Graspit! data we have generated. You can download them and put them in your own directory, and change their paths in the script.
You can clone this repository and open the project in Unity. We use Unity 2021.3.15f1c1 to develop this project. You can download it from here. We also use the Obi SoftBody(v6.4) plugin in our Unity project, which you need to purchase and import into your project.
You might need to first change the following paths to your own:
processPath in Assets/Digit/Scripts/DigitMain.cs
path_pc and path_t in Assets/Digit/Scripts/GetSkinnedMeshRenderer_obj.cs
path in Assets/Digit/Scripts/GetSkinnedMeshRenderer_hand.cs
The path of mano_skin model is Assets/Mano/mano_skin.prefab
The models we use in the simulation are in the release. You can download them and unzip them into your Unity project. The models should be put into Assets/Model
The scene we use in the simulation is in Assets/Scenes, named Mano (Mano.unity)
Note: The RFUniverse API used in the following process can be found in the pyrfuniverse documentation
First change the paths in the python script to your own paths, and run the script.
The script starts the Unity simulation environment, passes in the parameters assets for the object model and hand model names, and preload.
env = RFUniverseBaseEnv(assets=['{}{}'.format(obj_class, obj_id), 'mano_skin'])
The code will hang after this step and you need to run Mano scene in UnityEditor manually.
The script creates an object model in the simulation environment and set Pose
obj_unity = env.InstanceObject(
name='{}{}'.format(obj_class, obj_id)
position=[-obj_pos[1], obj_pos[2], obj_pos[0]],
rotation=[-90, 0, 90]
The script creates the hand model.
hand_unity = env.InstanceObject(
joint_positions=[end_info_1dof[i] * 57.29578 for i in range(15)]
Get the camera instance according to the camera ID pre-placed in the scene and reset its Pose
camera1 = env.GetAttr(11111)
camera14 = env.GetAttr(111114)
position=[-obj_pos[1], obj_pos[2]+0.14, obj_pos[0]-0.5],
rotation=[0, 0, 0]
position=[-obj_pos[1]+0.27, obj_pos[2]-0.1, obj_pos[0]+0.27],
rotation=[-30, -135, 0]
After screenshot the initial state of the scene, the script begin to first simulate the touch process in pybulelt, by slowly moving every finger to the target pose. As soon as pybullet detects contacts for every finger, the script will pass the hand wrist pose and finger joint parameters to Unity.
position=[-basePosition_rot[1], basePosition_rot[2], basePosition_rot[0]],
rotation=[math.degrees(hand_eul[1]), -math.degrees(hand_eul[2]), -math.degrees(hand_eul[0])]
joint_positions=[end_info_1dof[i] * 57.29578 for i in range(15)]
Save the current state of the camera image, object model mesh data and hand model mesh data
The raw data will be saved in save_root_dir, in the following format:
├── 20231231235958
│ │── touch0001
| | │── Depth0.png
| | │── Light0.png
| | │── Occluded_depth001.png
| | │── ...
│ │── touch0001
│ │── ...
├── 20231231235959
├── ...
The data preprocess method will be released soon!