This is my first Ludum Dare 39. It has a Sokoban game heavily inspired by all Sokoban games before it.
- Kenney for graphics
- Tiled for editing tile maps
- ShoeBox for editing images
- Sublime Text 3
- Version control via Tower
- Emoji Cheat Sheet
- Emoji Styleguide Git Commit
- Scott Lindhurst's Sokoban Levels
- Lua
- Lua Style Guide
- awesome-lua - A curated list of quality Lua packages and resources.
- anim8 - An animation library for LÖVE
- awesome-love2d - A curated list of amazingly awesome LÖVE libraries, resources and shiny things.
- LÖVE Helper Utilities for Massive Progression
- Simple-Tiled-Implementation (STI) - Tiled library for LÖVE
- Animation while moving sprite? This forum thread helped me figure out what I was doing wrong with my directional animation.
- How to display animation while moving a sprite?
- Using Tiled Maps in LÖVE This tutorial shows how to attach a player sprite to the map via a layer and control their movement.