LCD 16 x 2 display is a road, it has 2 lanes, car's lane can be changed by buttons, car is located in the first LCD column, display is constantly shifting to the left, and generated obstacles are moving toward car, speed is increasing up to some value while the game remains playable, after collision with the obstacle game is over, enjoy :)
Game video
Project is based on Arduino Starter Kit parts and its 16 x 2 LCD screen
You will need:
- Arduino board (UNO etc.)
- LCD screen (16 x 2)
- 2 pushbuttons
- resistor (220 Ohms)
- piezo capsule (optional)
- potentiometer (10kOhms) to adjust screen contrast (optional, ground V0 pin for max contrast)
Communication with LCD is based on 4-bit lightweight library that is included in the repo.
- VSS to ground
- VDD to 5V
- V0 to potentiometer signal leg or to the ground
- RS to digital 12
- R/W to the ground (0 for write)
- E to digital 11
- DB4 to digital 7
- DB5 to digital 6
- DB6 to digital 5
- DB7 to digital 4
- LED+ to 5V through 220 Ohms resistor
- LED- to the ground
- left button to digital 2 and to the ground
- right button to digital 3 and to the ground
- piezo to digital 8 and to the ground
- potentiometer to 5V, ground and V0 (mentioned above)
wokwi link to wiring: