Cloze Quiz Generator v1.2
An app for automating the creation of cloze (fill-in-the-blank) vocabulary and grammar activities. Powered by the Tatoeba corpus and Mecab tokenizer.
- First unzip the "" file. This is a set of JSON files each containing a chunk of the Tatoeba corpus. Then the app can be run as normal.
- To make the loading even faster, "" can be run on the entire list of sentences in the Tatoeba corpus (, specifying a number for "sentencesPerFile"
- increased loading speed by splitting Tatoeba corpus into sets of 33,333 sentences each. Loading time went from ~30s to ~5s!
- mobile support added
- Japanese version added, using the Mecab tokenizer
- option to create printable worksheet
- other languages support (Tatoeba corpus has multiple languages)
- Explore ways to fetch sentences as needed from an API (Merriam Webster), rather than iterate through a huge list to find a sentence with each target word