All pipelines are self contained. The only requirements needed is Apptainer. The apptainer executable "singularity" should be available in your path.
Note: On interactive node include the module load StdEnv/2020 apptainer/1.1.5
in your ~/.bashrc file
ILL pipelines is already install on ip34. Please include the following commands in your ~/.bashrc.
module load StdEnv/2020 apptainer
export ILL_PIPELINES=/home/def-ilafores/programs/ILL_pipelines
To load your new bashrc definition you will need to logout and login again on server.
To install ILL pipelines you need to:
Install Apptainer and make sure singularity executable is in your PATH
Create a clone of the repository:
git clone
Note: Creating a clone of the repository requires Github to be installed.
For convenience, set environment variable ILL_PIPELINES in your ~/.bashrc:
export ILL_PIPELINES=/path/to/ILL_pipelines
Go to $ILL_PIPELINES/containers and run these commands:
cd $ILL_PIPELINES/containers
To run pipelines you need to create a sample spread with 3 columns like this table:
sample1 | /path/to/sample1.R1.fastq | /path/to/sample1.R2.fastq |
sample2 | /path/to/sample2.R1.fastq | /path/to/sample2.R2.fastq |
etc... | etc... | etc... |
Important note: TSV files must not have header line.
For full list of options:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/ -h
Usage: --sample_tsv /path/to/tsv --out /path/to/out [--db] [--trimmomatic_options "trim options"] [--bowtie2_options "bowtie2 options"]
--sample_tsv STR path to sample tsv (3 columns: sample name<tab>fastq1 path<tab>fastq2 path)
--out STR path to output dir
--db kneaddata database path (default /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/fast/def-ilafores/host_genomes/GRCh38_index/grch38_1kgmaj)
--trimmomatic_options options to pass to trimmomatic (default ILLUMINACLIP:/cvmfs/soft.mugqic/CentOS6/software/trimmomatic/Trimmomatic-0.39/adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa:2:30:10 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 MINLEN:100)
--bowtie2_options options to pass to trimmomatic (default --very-sensitive-local)
Slurm options:
--slurm_alloc STR slurm allocation (default def-ilafores)
--slurm_log STR slurm log file output directory (default to output_dir/logs)
--slurm_email "" Slurm email setting
--slurm_walltime STR slurm requested walltime (default 24:00:00)
--slurm_threads INT slurm requested number of threads (default 24)
--slurm_mem STR slurm requested memory (default 30)
-h --help Display help
Most default values should be ok on ip34. Make sure you specify sample_tsv, output path.
Here is how generate slurm script with default parameters:
$> bash $ILL_PIPELINES/ \
> --sample_tsv /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/home/def-ilafores/analysis/20230216_metagenome_test/data/testset-projet_PROVID19/saliva_samples/sample_provid19.saliva.test.tsv \
> --out /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/home/def-ilafores/analysis/20230216_metagenome_test/testset-projet_PROVID19-saliva/preprocess \
> --db /cvmfs/ \
> --slurm_email "" \
> --bowtie2_options "--very-sensitive" \
> --slurm_walltime "6:00:00"
## Will use sample file: /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/home/def-ilafores/analysis/20230216_metagenome_test/data/testset-projet_PROVID19/saliva_samples/sample_provid19.saliva.test.tsv
## Results wil be stored to this path: /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/home/def-ilafores/analysis/20230216_metagenome_test/testset-projet_PROVID19-saliva/preprocess
## Will output logs in: /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/home/def-ilafores/analysis/20230216_metagenome_test/testset-projet_PROVID19-saliva/preprocess/logs
outputting preprocess slurm script to /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/home/def-ilafores/analysis/20230216_metagenome_test/testset-projet_PROVID19-saliva/preprocess/
Generate preprocessed reads sample tsv: /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/home/def-ilafores/analysis/20230216_metagenome_test/testset-projet_PROVID19-saliva/preprocess/preprocessed_reads.sample.tsv
To submit to slurm, execute the following command:
sbatch --array=1-5 /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/home/def-ilafores/analysis/20230216_metagenome_test/testset-projet_PROVID19-saliva/preprocess/
Notice that preprocess script generates sample tsv file (i.e. precocess/preprocessed_reads.sample.tsv) that should be used for the taxonomic profile and the functionnal profile pipeline.
Finally, the preprocess script can be executed on a single sample. Use -h option to view usage:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: -s sample_name -o /path/to/out [--db] [--trimmomatic_options "trim options"] [--bowtie2_options "bowtie2 options"]
-s STR sample name
-o STR path to output dir
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-t # of threads (default 8)
-m memory (default 40G)
-fq1 path to fastq1
-fq2 path to fastq2
--db kneaddata database path (default /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/fast/def-ilafores/host_genomes/GRCh38_index/grch38_1kgmaj)
--trimmomatic_options options to pass to trimmomatic (default ILLUMINACLIP:/cvmfs/soft.mugqic/CentOS6/software/trimmomatic/Trimmomatic-0.39/adapters/TruSeq3-PE-2.fa:2:30:10 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 MINLEN:100)
--bowtie2_options options to pass to trimmomatic (default --very-sensitive-local)
-h --help Display help
For full list of options:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/ -h
Usage: --sample_tsv /path/to/tsv --out /path/to/out [--SM_db /path/to/sourmash/db] [--SM_db_prefix sourmash_db_prefix] [--kmer kmer_size]
--sample_tsv STR path to sample tsv (3 columns: sample name<tab>fastq1 path<tab>fastq2 path)
--out STR path to output dir
--SM_db sourmash databases directory path (default /cvmfs/
--SM_db_prefix sourmash database prefix, allowing wildcards (default genbank-2022.03)
--kmer choice of k-mer, dependent on database choices (default 51, make sure to have them available)
Slurm options:
--slurm_alloc STR slurm allocation (default def-ilafores)
--slurm_log STR slurm log file output directory (default to output_dir/logs)
--slurm_email "" Slurm email setting
--slurm_walltime STR slurm requested walltime (default 24:00:00)
--slurm_threads INT slurm requested number of threads (default 12)
--slurm_mem STR slurm requested memory (default 62G)
-h --help Display help
Notice that preprocess script generates sample tsv file needed here (i.e. precocess/preprocessed_reads.sample.tsv).
The sourmash taxonomic abundance script can also be executed on a single sample. Use -h option to view usage:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: -s sample_name -o /path/to/out [-t threads] -fq1 /path/to/fastq1 -fq2 /path/to/fastq2 [--SM_db /path/to/sourmash/db] [--SM_db_prefix sourmash_db_prefix] [--kmer kmer_size]
-s STR sample name
-o STR path to output dir
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-t # of threads (default 8)
-fq1 path to fastq1
-fq2 path to fastq2
--SM_db sourmash databases directory path (default /cvmfs/
--SM_db_prefix sourmash database prefix, allowing wildcards (default genbank-2022.03)
--kmer choice of k-mer size, dependent on available databases (default 51, make sure database is available)
-h --help Display help
For full list of options:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/ -h
Usage: --sample_tsv /path/to/tsv --out /path/to/out [--db /path/to/metaphlan/db]
--sample_tsv STR path to sample tsv (3 columns: sample name<tab>fastq1 path<tab>fastq2 path)
--out STR path to output dir
--db metaphlan db path (default /cvmfs/
Slurm options:
--slurm_alloc STR slurm allocation (default def-ilafores)
--slurm_log STR slurm log file output directory (default to output_dir/logs)
--slurm_email "" Slurm email setting
--slurm_walltime STR slurm requested walltime (default 24:00:00)
--slurm_threads INT slurm requested number of threads (default 12)
--slurm_mem STR slurm requested memory (default 25G)
-h --help Display help
Notice that preprocess script generates sample tsv file needed here (i.e. precocess/preprocessed_reads.sample.tsv).
The metaphlan taxonomic abundance script can also be executed on a single sample. Use -h option to view usage:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: -s sample_name -o /path/to/out [-db /path/to/metaphlan/db] -fq1 /path/to/fastq1 -fq2 /path/to/fastq2 [-fq1_single /path/to/single1.fastq] [-fq2_single /path/to/single2.fastq]
-s STR sample name
-o STR path to output dir
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-t # of threads (default 8)
-fq1 path to fastq1
-fq1_single path to fastq1 unpaired reads
-fq2 path to fastq2
-fq2_single path to fastq2 unpaired reads
-db metaphlan db path (default /cvmfs/
-h --help Display help
Once metaphlan as run on all samples, you can merge results table by running the following script:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: -profiles /path/to/metaphlan_out/*_profile.txt -o /path/to/out
-profiles Path to metaphlan outputs (i.e. /path/to/metaphlan_out/*_profile.txt)
-o STR path to output dir
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-h --help Display help
For full list of options:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/ -h
Usage: --sample_tsv /path/to/tsv --out /path/to/out [--kraken_db "kraken database"]
--sample_tsv STR path to sample tsv (3 columns: sample name<tab>fastq1 path<tab>fastq2 path)
--out STR path to output dir
--kraken_db kraken2 database path (default /cvmfs/
--bracken_readlen bracken read length option (default 150)
Slurm options:
--slurm_alloc STR slurm allocation (default def-ilafores)
--slurm_log STR slurm log file output directory (default to output_dir/logs)
--slurm_email "" Slurm email setting
--slurm_walltime STR slurm requested walltime (default 6:00:00)
--slurm_threads INT slurm requested number of threads (default 24)
--slurm_mem STR slurm requested memory (default 125)
-h --help Display help
Notice that preprocess script generates sample tsv file needed here (i.e. precocess/preprocessed_reads.sample.tsv).
The taxonomic profile script can also be executed on a single sample. Use -h option to view usage:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: [--kraken_db /path/to/krakendb] [--bracken_readlen int] [--confidence float] [-t thread_nbr] [-m mem_in_G] -fq1 /path/fastq1 -fq2 /path/fastq2 -o /path/to/out
-s STR sample name
-o STR path to output dir
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-t # of threads (default 8)
-m memory (default 40G)
-fq1 path to fastq1
-fq2 path to fastq2
--kraken_db kraken2 database path (default /cvmfs/
--bracken_readlen bracken read length option (default 150)
--confidence kraken confidence level to reduce false-positive rate (default 0.05)
-h --help Display help
For full list of options:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/ -h
Usage: [--chocophlan_db /path/to/chocophlan_db ] --kreports '/path/to/*_kraken_report_regex' --out /path/to/out --bowtie_index_name idx_nbame
--kreports STR base path regex to retrieve species level kraken reports (i.e.: '/path/to/taxonomic_profile/*/*_bracken/*_bracken_S.kreport'). Must be specified between single quotes. See usage example or github documentation.
--out STR path to output dir
--bowtie_index_name name of the bowtie index that will be generated
--chocophlan_db path to the full chocoplan db (default: /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/fast/def-ilafores/humann_dbs/chocophlan)
Slurm options:
--slurm_alloc STR slurm allocation (default def-ilafores)
--slurm_log STR slurm log file output directory (default to output_dir/logs)
--slurm_email "" Slurm email setting
--slurm_walltime STR slurm requested walltime (default 24:00:00)
--slurm_threads INT slurm requested number of threads (default 48)
--slurm_mem STR slurm requested memory (default 251G)
-h --help Display help
The kreports parameter is a regular expression that points to all kraken report generated at specie level. The analysis begins and creates the buglist and then creates the bowtie index on the buglist. It finishes by generating the taxonomic table for each taxonomic level.
This generated script can also be runned locally on ip34 the following ways:
bash /path/to/out/
Or you can directly call the script the following way:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: --kreports '/path/to/*_kraken_report_regex' --out /path/to/out --bowtie_index_name idx_nbame
--kreports STR base path regex to retrieve species level kraken reports (i.e.: "$PWD"/taxonomic_profile/*/*_bracken/*_bracken_S.kreport). Must be specified between single quotes. See usage example or github documentation.
--out STR path to output dir
--tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
--threads # of threads (default 8)
--bowtie_index_name name of the bowtie index that will be generated
--chocophlan_db path to the full chocoplan db (default: /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/fast/def-ilafores/humann_dbs/chocophlan)
-h --help Display help
For full list of options:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/ -h
Usage: --sample_tsv /path/to/tsv --out /path/to/out --nt_db "nt database path" [--search_mode "search mode"] [--prot_db "protein database path"]
--sample_tsv STR path to sample tsv (5 columns: sample name<tab>fastq1 path<tab>fastq2 path<tab>fastq1 single path<tab>fastq2 single path). Generated in preprocess step.
--out STR path to output dir
--search_mode Search mode. Possible values are: dual, nt, prot (default prot)
--nt_db the nucleotide database to use (default /cvmfs/
--prot_db the protein database to use (default /cvmfs/
--utility_map_db the protein database to use (default /cvmfs/
Slurm options:
--slurm_alloc STR slurm allocation (default def-ilafores)
--slurm_log STR slurm log file output directory (default to output_dir/logs)
--slurm_email "" Slurm email setting
--slurm_walltime STR slurm requested walltime (default 24:00:00)
--slurm_threads INT slurm requested number of threads (default 24)
--slurm_mem STR slurm requested memory (default 30G)
-h --help Display help
The sample_tsv that can be used was created in the preprocess step (i.e. precocess/preprocessed_reads.sample.tsv).
The functionnal profile script can also be executed on a single sample. Use -h option to view usage:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: -s sample_name -o /path/to/out --nt_db "nt database path" [--search_mode "search mode"] [--prot_db "protein database path"]
-s STR sample name
-o STR path to output dir
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-t # of threads (default 8)
-fq1 path to fastq1
-fq1_single path to fastq1 unpaired reads
-fq2 path to fastq2
-fq2_single path to fastq2 unpaired reads
--search_mode Search mode. Possible values are: dual, nt, prot (default prot)
--nt_db the nucleotide database to use (default /cvmfs/
--prot_db the protein database to use (default /cvmfs/
--utility_map_db the protein database to use (default /cvmfs/
-h --help Display help
Before running this pipeline, make sure singularity and BBmap executables are in your path. On ip29, just do the following:
module load singularity mugqic/BBMap/38.90
For full list of options:
$ bash ${ILL_PIPELINES}/ -h
Usage: --sample_tsv /path/to/tsv --out /path/to/out [--assembly] [--binning] [--refinement]
--sample_tsv STR path to sample tsv (3 columns: sample name<tab>fastq1 path<tab>fastq2 path)
--out STR path to output dir
--assembly perform assembly
--binning perform binning step
--refinement perform refinement step
Metawrap options:
--metaspades use metaspades for assembly (default: true)
--megahit use megahit for assembly (default: true)
--metabat2 use metabat2 for binning (default: true)
--maxbin2 use maxbin2 for binning (default: true)
--concoct use concoct for binning (default: true)
--run-checkm run checkm for binning (default: true)
--refinement_min_compl INT refinement bin minimum completion percent (default 50)
--refinement_max_cont INT refinement bin maximum contamination percent (default 10)
Slurm options:
--slurm_alloc STR slurm allocation (default def-ilafores)
--slurm_log STR slurm log file output directory (default to output_dir/logs)
--slurm_email "" Slurm email setting
--slurm_walltime STR slurm requested walltime (default 24:00:00)
--slurm_threads INT slurm requested number of threads (default 48)
--slurm_mem STR slurm requested memory (default 251G)
-h --help Display help
Most default values should be ok in a cluster environment. Make sure you specify sample_tsv, ouput path and steps you wich to execute (assembly and/or binning and/or refinement). Obviously, before running binning, you must perform assembly step.
The sample_tsv that can be used was created in the preprocess step (i.e. precocess/preprocessed_reads.sample.tsv).
Here a re some example commands you can perform for this pipeline:
# on ip29, load singularity and bbmap in path
module load singularity mugqic/BBMap/38.90
# Run all steps with defualt parameters
$ bash ${ILL_PIPELINES}/ \
--out path/to/out --sample_tsv /path/to/tsv
# Run only the assembly step
$ bash ${ILL_PIPELINES}/ \
--out path/to/out --sample_tsv /path/to/tsv \
# Run only the assembly step using only megahit assembler
$ bash ${ILL_PIPELINES}/ \
--out path/to/out --sample_tsv /path/to/tsv \
--assembly --megahit
# Run the assembly step using only megahit assembler and binning step with
# concoct and maxbin binner software
$ bash ${ILL_PIPELINES}/ \
--out path/to/out --sample_tsv /path/to/tsv \
--assembly --megahit \
--binning --maxbin2 --concoct
# Run assembly and binning with default paramters and refinement step using
# specific bin completion and contamination values
$ bash ${ILL_PIPELINES}/ \
--out path/to/out --sample_tsv /path/to/tsv \
--assembly --binning \
--refinement --refinement_min_compl 90 --refinement_max_cont 5
Finally, the assembly, binning and refinement script can be executed on a single sample. Use -h option to view usage:
# on ip29, load singularity and bbmap in path
module load singularity mugqic/BBMap/38.90
## assembly script usage:
$ bash /home/jflucier/localhost/projet/ILL_pipelines/scripts/ -h
Usage: [-tmp /path/tmp] [-t threads] [-m memory] [--metaspades] [--megahit] -s sample_name -o /path/to/out -fq1 /path/to/fastq1 -fq2 /path/to/fastq2
-s STR sample name
-o STR path to output dir
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-t # of threads (default 8)
-m memory (default 40G)
-fq1 path to fastq1
-fq2 path to fastq2
--metaspades use metaspades for assembly (default: true)
--megahit use megahit for assembly (default: true)
-h --help Display help
## Binning script usage:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: [-tmp /path/tmp] [-t threads] [-m memory] [--metabat2] [--maxbin2] [--concoct] [--run-checkm] -s sample_name -o /path/to/out -a /path/to/assembly -fq1 /path/to/fastq1 -fq2 /path/to/fastq2
-s STR sample name
-o STR path to output dir
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-t # of threads (default 8)
-m memory (default 40G)
-a assembly fasta filepath
-fq1 path to fastq1
-fq2 path to fastq2
--metabat2 use metabat2 for binning (default: true)
--maxbin2 use maxbin2 for binning (default: true)
--concoct use concoct for binning (default: true)
--run-checkm run checkm on bins (default: true)
-h --help Display help
## Binning refinement script usage:
$ $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: [-tmp /path/tmp] [-t threads] [-m memory] [--metaspades] [--megahit] -s sample_name -o /path/to/out -fq1 /path/to/fastq1 -fq2 /path/to/fastq2
-s STR sample name
-o STR path to output dir
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-t # of threads (default 8)
-m memory (default 40G)
--metabat2_bins path to metabats bin direcotry
--maxbin2_bins path to maxbin2 bin direcotry
--concoct_bins path to concoct bin direcotry
--refinement_min_compl INT refinement bin minimum completion percent (default 50)
--refinement_max_cont INT refinement bin maximum contamination percent (default 10)
-h --help Display help
For full list of options:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/ -h
Usage: [slurm options] [-a {fastANI,ANIn,gANI,ANImf,goANI}] [-p_ani value] [-s_ani value] [-cov value] [-comp value] [-con value] -bin_path_regex '/path/regex/to/*_genome_bins_path_regex' -o /path/to/out
-bin_path_regex A regex path to bins, i.e. /path/to/bin/*/*.fa. Must be specified between single quotes. See usage example or github documentation.
-o STR path to output dir
-a algorithm {fastANI,ANIn,gANI,ANImf,goANI} (default: ANImf). See dRep documentation for more information.
-p_ani ANI threshold to form primary (MASH) clusters (default: 0.95)
-s_ani ANI threshold to form secondary clusters (default: 0.99)
-cov Minmum level of overlap between genomes when doing secondary comparisons (default: 0.1)
-comp Minimum genome completeness (default: 50)
-con Maximum genome contamination (default: 5)
Slurm options:
--slurm_alloc STR slurm allocation (default def-ilafores)
--slurm_log STR slurm log file output directory (default to output_dir/logs)
--slurm_email "" Slurm email setting
--slurm_walltime STR slurm requested walltime (default 24:00:00)
--slurm_threads INT slurm requested number of threads (default 48)
--slurm_mem STR slurm requested memory (default 251G)
-h --help Display help
The bin to be dereplicated must be specified using the bin_path_regex parameter. All fasta included in regex listing will be included in analysis. Make sure you use a full path regex.For example, a bin regex like "/nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/home/def-ilafores/analysis/20230216_metagenome_test/testset-projet_PROVID19-saliva/bin_refinement/GQ*/metawrap_30_25_bins/*.fa" will use the following fasta files:
$ ls /nfs3_ib/nfs-ip34/home/def-ilafores/analysis/20230216_metagenome_test/testset-projet_PROVID19-saliva/bin_refinement/GQ*/metawrap_30_25_bins/*.fa
This generated script can also be runned locally on ip34 the following ways:
bash /path/to/out/
Or you can directly call the script the following way:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: [-tmp /path/tmp] [-t threads] -bin_path_regex '/path/regex/to/*_genome_bins_path_regex' -o /path/to/out [-a algorithm] [-p_ani value] [-s_ani value] [-cov value] [-comp value] [-con value]
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-t # of threads (default 8)
-bin_path_regex A regex path to bins, i.e. /path/to/bin/*/*.fa. Must be specified between single quotes. See usage example or github documentation.
-o STR path to output dir
-a algorithm {fastANI,ANIn,gANI,ANImf,goANI} (default: ANImf). See dRep documentation for more information.
-p_ani ANI threshold to form primary (MASH) clusters (default: 0.95)
-s_ani ANI threshold to form secondary clusters (default: 0.99)
-cov Minmum level of overlap between genomes when doing secondary comparisons (default: 0.1)
-comp Minimum genome completeness (default: 50)
-con Maximum genome contamination (default: 5)
-h --help Display help
For full list of options:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/ -h
Usage: -drep /path/to/drep/genome --out /path/to/out --bowtie_index_name idx_nbame
-o STR path to output dir
-drep STR dereplicated genome path (drep output directory). See for more information.
-ma_db MicrobeAnnotator DB path (default: /cvmfs/
-gtdb_db GTDBTK DB path (default: /cvmfs/
Slurm options:
--slurm_alloc STR slurm allocation (default def-ilafores)
--slurm_log STR slurm log file output directory (default to output_dir/logs)
--slurm_email "" Slurm email setting
--slurm_walltime STR slurm requested walltime (default 24:00:00)
--slurm_threads INT slurm requested number of threads (default 24)
--slurm_mem STR slurm requested memory (default 31G)
-h --help Display help
This generated script can also be runned locally on ip34 the following ways:
bash /path/to/out/
Or you can directly call the script the following way:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: [-tmp /path/tmp] [-t threads] [-ma_db /path/to/microannotatordb] [-gtdb_db /path/to/GTDB] -drep /path/to/drep/dereplicated_genomes -o /path/to/out
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-o STR path to output dir
-t # of threads (default 24)
-drep dereplicated genome path (drep output directory). See for more information.
-ma_db MicrobeAnnotator DB path (default: /cvmfs/
-gtdb_db GTDB DB path (default: /cvmfs/
-h --help Display help
For full list of options:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/ -h
Usage: -sample_tsv /path/to/samplesheet -drep /path/to/drep/genome -o /path/to/out --bowtie_index_name idx_nbame
-sample_tsv STR path to sample tsv (5 columns: sample name<tab>fastq1 path<tab>fastq2 path<tab>fastq1 single path<tab>fastq2 single path). Generated in preprocess step.
-drep STR dereplicated genome path (drep output directory). See for more information.
-o STR path to output dir
Slurm options:
--slurm_alloc STR slurm allocation (default def-ilafores)
--slurm_log STR slurm log file output directory (default to output_dir/logs)
--slurm_email "" Slurm email setting
--slurm_walltime STR slurm requested walltime (default 24:00:00)
--slurm_threads INT slurm requested number of threads (default 24)
--slurm_mem STR slurm requested memory (default 31G)
-h --help Display help
This generated script can also be runned locally on ip34 the following ways:
bash /path/to/out/
Or you can directly call the script the following way:
$ bash $ILL_PIPELINES/scripts/ -h
Usage: [-tmp /path/tmp] [-t threads] -bins_tsv all_genome_bins_path_regex -drep /path/to/drep_output -o /path/to/out -a algorithm -p_ani value -s_ani value -cov value -comp value -con value
-tmp STR path to temp dir (default output_dir/temp)
-t # of threads (default 8)
-sample_tsv A 3 column tsv of samples. Columns should be sample_name<tab>/path/to/fastq1<tab>/path/to/fastq2. No headers! HINT: preprocess step generates this file
-drep STR dereplicated genome path (drep output directory). See for more information.
-o STR path to output dir
-h --help Display help