Download code and run SpringbootDtoApplication class inside src/main/java/net/javaguides/springboot/SpringbootDtoApplication
To test the endpoints, you can use Postman and run the following scripts:
To test GET: Enter http://localhost:8080/api/tasks after Springboot server has started.
To test GET for certain Id: Enter http://localhost:8080/api/tasks/{ID}, where ID is the Id that you are looking for.
To test PUT: Enter http://localhost:8080/api/tasks/{Id}, where Id is the Id of the table entry you would like to update.
- Followed by entering some data in the following format: { "title": null, "description": "Testing1", "completed": null, "id": 2 }
To test POST: Enter http://localhost:8080/api/tasks, followed by some data in the following format: { "title": "Testing post", "description": "Testing post 1", "completed": true, "id": 3 }
To test DELETE: Enter http://localhost:8080/api/tasks/{Id}, where Id is the Id of the entry you would like to delete.