Web based tool to label images for object. So that they can be used to train dlib or other object detectors.
You can either import a file from a URL or from your computer. You can plot the landmark points by yourself or you can request to face++ API to collect the points which gets automatically plotted on the image (You will need to register on face++ to use the API.). If you feel that the result should be improved, you can drag a point to correct location.
- load points from a file
- Image scalling
- API compatible landmark label
- Show dlib, face++ specific point schemes
- show face++ labeles instead of automatic number
- show warning when use try to load images if there is any labelled image already loaded.
- filter for (un)labelled images
- Tool to draw points in straight line (eg nose, chin, eyebrows' center)
- draw the line between landmark points
- Highlight empty button when there is any point in box
- Resizable box