A command line interface for browsing cards from Call of Cthulhu CCG and LCG.
Call of Cthulhu CLI can be installed from PyPI using pip:
sudo pip install cthulhucli
Call of Cthulhu CLI has the following options as given by the --help option:
$ cthulhucli --help
Usage: cthulhucli [OPTIONS] [TEXT]...
--ccg Search CCG era cards only.
--lcg Search LCG era cards only.
-v, --verbose Show more data.
--brief Show one line of data, regardless the level of verbose.
--long Show multiple lines of data, regardless the level of verbose.
--show FIELD Show given field only. Can be repeated to show multiple
fields in given order.
--case Use case sensitive filtering.
--exact Use exact match filtering.
--regex Use regular rexpressions when filtering.
--or FIELD Treat multiple tests for given field with logical
disjunction, i.e. OR-logic instead of AND-logic.
--inclusive Treat multiple tests for different fields with logical
disjunction, i.e. OR-logic instead of AND-logic.
--sort FIELD Sort results by given field.
--desc Sort results in descending order.
--group FIELD Group results by given field.
--count FIELD Print a breakdown of all values for given field.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
Field filters:
-n, --name TEXT Filter on matching name.
--descriptor TEXT Filter on matching descriptor.
--subtype TEXT Filter on matching subtypes.
-x, --text TEXT Filter on matching text.
--keyword TEXT Filter on matching keywords.
--unique Filter on uniqueness.
--non-unique Filter on non-uniqueness.
--faction FACTION Filter on matching faction.
--faction-isnt FACTION Filter on non-matching faction.
-t, --type TYPE Filter on matching type.
--type-isnt TYPE Filter on non-matching type.
--cost NUMBER Filter on matching cost (number comparison).
--steadfast FACTION Filter on steadfast.
--skill NUMBER Filter on matching skill (number comparison).
--terror NUMBER Filter on number of terror icons.
--combat NUMBER Filter on number of combat icons.
--arcane NUMBER Filter on number of arcance icons.
--investigation NUMBER Filter on number of investigation icons.
--set TEXT Filter on matching set.
--restricted Filter on restricted.
--non-restricted Filter on non-restricted.
--banned Filter on banned.
--non-banned Filter on non-banned.
FACTION One of: agency, cthulhu, hastur, miskatonic university, neutral,
shub-niggurath, silver twilight, syndicate, the agency, yog-
FIELD One of: banned, cost, descriptor, faction, icons, keywords, name,
restricted, set, skill, steadfast, subtypes, text, type,
NUMBER A number optionally prefixed by one of the supported comparison
operators: ==, =, !=, !, <=, <, >=, >. With == being the default if
only a number is given.
TEXT A text partially matching the field value. The --case, --regex and
--exact options can be applied. If prefixed with ! the match is
TYPE One of: character, conspiracy, event, story, support.
Find a card by its name:
$ cthulhucli --name Nyarlathotep
Nyarlathotep: Unique. Neutral. Character. Cost 0. Skill 6. [TTCCA].
Nyarlathotep: Unique. Neutral. Character. Cost 4. Skill 4. [TCAI].
Nyarlathotep: Unique. Neutral. Character. Cost 5. Skill 6. [TCAI].
Total count: 3
Print more of the cards' information:
$ cthulhucli --name Nyarlathotep -v
The Crawling Chaos
Ancient One.
Villainous. Toughness +4.
Each Avatar of Nyarlathotep character gains (T)(T).
Action: pay 3 to take control of an Avatar of Nyarlathotep character.
Unique: Yes
Faction: Neutral
Card Type: Character
Cost: 0
Steadfast: 1 The Agency. 1 Miskatonic University. 1 Syndicate. 1 Cthulhu. 1 Hastur. 1 Yog-Sothoth. 1 Shub-Niggurath.
Skill: 6
Icons: TTCCA
The Black Pharaoh
Ancient One.
Villainous. Toughness +2.
During the resource phase, if an opponent wishes to attach a resource to a domain, the resource must be chosen at random from his hand. (Choose the domain first, then randomly determine the resource.)
Unique: Yes
Faction: Neutral
Card Type: Character
Cost: 4
Skill: 4
Icons: TCAI
The Crawling Chaos
Ancient One.
Villainous. Toughness +1. Resilient.
You may return an Avatar character to your hand to reduce the cost to play Nyarlathotep by 3.
Disrupt: When you succeed at a story to which Nyarlathotep is committed, sacrifice it to put an Avatar character into play from your hand committed to an unresolved story, if able.
Unique: Yes
Faction: Neutral
Card Type: Character
Cost: 5
Skill: 6
Icons: TCAI
Total count: 3
Find all events with the Day or Night subtype:
$ cthulhucli --subtype day --subtype night --or subtype --type event
Blessed Dawn: The Agency. Event. Cost X.
The Punishing Sun: Miskatonic University. Event. Cost X.
Howl of Jackals: Cthulhu. Event. Cost X.
Enshrouded Sun: Hastur. Event. Cost X.
Screaming of the Spheres: Yog-Sothoth. Event. Cost X.
Buzzing of Locusts: Shub-Niggurath. Event. Cost X.
Blinding Light: Neutral. Event. Cost 4.
Calling Forth the Abyss: Neutral. Event. Cost 4.
Total count: 8
Find all non-unique Miskatonic Investigator characters from the CCG era, grouped by cost:
$ cthulhucli --non-unique --faction misk --subtype investigator --ccg --group cost
[ Cost 1 ]
Campus Gumshoe: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 1. Skill 2. [CA].
Graduate Assistant: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 1. Skill 2. No Icons.
Reclusive Researcher: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 1. Skill 1. [II].
[ Cost 2 ]
Absent-Minded Accountant: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 2. Skill 1. [AI].
Civil Engineer: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 2. Skill X. [AI].
Cryptozoologist: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 2. Skill 3. [A].
Field Researcher: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 2. Skill 1. [I].
Mad Genius: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 2. Skill 2. No Icons.
Strange Librarian: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 2. Skill 1. [A].
Student Archaeologist: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 2. Skill 2. [I].
[ Cost 3 ]
Anthropology Advisor: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 3. Skill 2. [C].
Classicist: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 3. Skill 3. [III].
Local Historian: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 3. Skill 1. [AI].
Natural Philosopher: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 3. Skill 3. [AI].
Professor of Metaphysics: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 3. Skill 2. [II].
Seeker of the Profane: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 3. Skill 2. [AI].
Two-Fisted Archaeologist: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 3. Skill 6. No Icons.
[ Cost 4 ]
Theology Professor: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 4. Skill 4. [AAII].
[ Cost 5 ]
Professor of Archaeology: Miskatonic University. Character. Cost 5. Skill 3. [CI].
Total count: 19
Find all characters with struggle boosters, displaying their full text:
$ cthulhucli --type char --text "\(\([CTAI]\)\)" --regex --show text
Cairo Mercenary
Decommissioned Officer
Local Historian
Professor of Archaeology
Elder Shoggoth
Servant of the Key
Relentless Stalker
Willpower. Toughness +1.
When you would uncommit Relentless Stalker from a story, you may choose to not uncommit it until the story is won.
A Scheme of Byakhees
Forced Response: After you win a (T) struggle at a story to which A Scheme of Byakhees is committed, the losing player must either discard a card from his hand, or drive a character he controls insane.
Lower the cost to play Hastur by 1 for each insane character in play.
Villainous. Invulnerability. Fast.
When you win a (T) struggle at a story, place a success token on that story.
Total count: 9
Find all 0 cost characters and get a breakdown of their faction, icons and subtypes:
$ cthulhucli --type char --cost 0 --count faction --count icons --count subtype
[ Faction counts ]
Neutral: 4
Yog-Sothoth: 3
Cthulhu: 2
Miskatonic University: 2
Silver Twilight: 2
Hastur: 2
Shub-Niggurath: 1
The Agency: 1
[ Icons counts ]
Terror: 10
Combat: 4
Arcane: 3
Investigation: 1
[ Subtypes counts ]
Cultist: 5
Conspirator: 2
Servitor: 2
Investigator: 2
Ancient One: 1
Phantom: 1
Independent: 1
Monster: 1
Student: 1
Artist: 1
Lodge: 1
Total count: 17
Referencing a field only found on a certain card type automatically filters out other card types.
$ python cthulhucli.py --sort faction --count type
[ Card Type counts ]
Character: 1269
Support: 734
Event: 657
Conspiracy: 59
Total count: 2719
- All card data is copyright by Fantasy Flight Games.
- Call of Cthulhu CLI is written by Petter Nyström.