Retrosynthetic Planning With Experience-Guided Monte Carlo Tree Search
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate eg_mcts_env
1) Download the building block set, pretrained one-step retrosynthetic model, and (optional) reactions from USPTO.
Download the files from this link.
Put all the files in dataset
, uspto.reactions.json
, chembl.csv
, reaction_graph.gml
) under the eg_mcts/dataset
Put the folder one_step_model/
under the eg_mcts
pip install -e eg_mcts/packages/mlp_retrosyn
pip install -e eg_mcts/packages/rdchiral
pip install -e .
For eMolecules, emol_train_data.txt
, emol_vali_data.txt
, emol_test_data.txt
in eg_mcts/dataset
For chembl, chembl_train_data_T.txt
, chembl_train_data_T1.txt
, chembl_train_data_T2.txt
, chembl_train_data_T^.txt
, chembl_train_data_T^^.txt
, cheml_vali_data.txt
, chembl_test_data.txt
in eg_mcts/dataset
For 30 test molecules used in EG-MCTS Versus Literature, we provide their literature routes in SMILES format in eg_mcts/dataset/published_routes_for_30_mol
In the folder eg_mcts/saved_EG_fn
, we provide the best model
for eMolecules.
For chembl, , We provide the best models trained in different train data sets.
To plan with EG_MCTS, run the following command,
cd eg_mcts
Change the option --test_mols
to your training molecule set, create a new random network and change the option --value_model
to this new random network.
Then run the command
cd eg_mcts
python --collect_expe
to collect the synthetic experience of your training molecules, which will be saved in the file experience_dataset/train_experience.pkl
. (Or you can change it to your own file.)
And then train this new random network.
Change the option --train_data
to your own synthetic experience file.
And then run the command,
You will get a new EGN trained for one round.
If you want to train it for multiple time, then repeat the process above.
Don't forget to change the related options.
for an example usage.