This is a single python module which will generate an export of attendance data for a provided list of courses
Install and Configure Video:
usage = properties_file.ini list_of_courses.csv
The outputs are a log file and a csv of attendance records with a timestamp. The expected data fields are:
header = [ 'courseId', 'courseName', 'courseExtKey', 'course_pk1', 'meeting_id', 'meeting_start', 'meeting_end', 'status', 'user_pk1', 'username', 'external_user_key', 'student_id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'childCourseId', 'childCourseName', 'childExtKey','child_pk1' ]
The code uses the following Blackboard endpoints: See
- POST /learn/api/public/v1/oauth2/token
- GET /learn/api/public/v3/courses/{courseId}
- GET /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/users
- GET /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/meetings
- GET /learn/api/public/v1/courses/{courseId}/meetings/{meetingId]/users
The integration user needs a system role with the following permitted privliges [entitlments]:
- User management by Web Services [system.useradmin.generic.VIEW]
- Administrator Panel (Courses) > Courses [system.course.VIEW]
- Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Attendance > View Attendance [course.attendance.VIEW]
- Course/Organization Control Panel (Customization) > Properties [course.configure-properties.EXECUTE]
- Administrator Panel (Courses) > Courses > Edit > Enrollments [system.courseuserlist.VIEW]
The code includes classes and methods to
- authenticate and reauthenticate when the session is expired or is about to timeout
- lookup rate limit, remaining requests and how many were used by the module
- log to console and file with error, info and debug levels
- for a course, get the student memberships and child course info if merged
- for a course, get all the attendance meetings
- get the attendance record for each student/meeting pair
- combine the data with attendance status 'Null' where a meeting exists but the student doesn't have record
The code uses the following non-standard Python Modules I have included a requirements.txt file for easy installation.
- datetime
- argparse
- configparser
- logging
- requests
- typing
I have included to bat files to aid in establishing virtual environment and installing the nec modules.