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aemCLI (command line interface)

Sonarcloud Status Go Report Card License: GPL v2

This tool is work in progress
If you find any bugs or miss any feature feel free to pitch in or create a ticket so the issue can be resolved quickly or the new feature can be added.

When using AEM in projects there are a couple of things that happen quite often. This tool is like a swiss army knife that tries to help you on everyday tasks for developer and dev-ops.

Use cases:

  • Stop searching for the cURL commands use them through this tool. It will help you to do the tasks quicker.
  • Need to work on multiple projects create one configuration file for that project and pull in the requirements by typing aem start.
  • Update dependencies every time you start aem based on the configuration file.
  • Copy packages from one instance to the other with absolute ease.

Let me know what you think. happy AEM-ing.

Getting Started

Build the project from scratch (needs go >= v1.14.1) or download the prebuild binary available for your operating system.

Prebuild versions are:

  • OSX (Intel (64 bit), Apple Silicone)
  • Linux (64bit)
  • Windows (64bit)


Download or build and copy the binary to a location in your path. Latest prebuild version can be found here.

Or use the following OSX/Linux oneliner to install:

using home brew (OSX only)

Check out the amazing Homebrew and when you have homebrew installed use the following commands to install

brew tap jlentink/aem
brew install aem

Other methods

install to /usr/local/bin

curl -sfL | bash -s -- -b /usr/local/bin

install to ~/bin

curl -sfL | bash

install to other location

curl -sfL | bash -s -- -b YOUR_LOCATION

Example install locations.

OSX & Linux

execute echo ${PATH} and validate that /usr/local/bin is in your current path. If in path use cp aem /usr/local/bin to place the executable ont he correct spot. If not in path add the following line export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/bin" to your ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile or ~/.zprofile with your favorite editor.

Don't forget to set the executable permission. chmod a+x aem


Place the executable in for example "C:\Program files\aem" and follow the tutorials on the internet how to add them to add this directory to your path.


The command line tool is broken up in different sub-commands. The commands can be used by typing aem <command> eg. aem start All the possible commands are listed below. Every command has the option to request help on the specifications of that commands. eg. aem start -h

  aem [command]

Available Commands:
  activation         Activation commands
  build              Build application
  bundle             Bundle commands
  deploy             Deploy to server(s)
  generate           Generate code block
  help               Help about any command
  indexes            index commands
  init               Init new project
  invalidate         Invalidate path's on dispatcher
  log                List error log or application log
  oak                Oak commands
  open               Open URL for Adobe Experience Manager instance in browser
  package            Package commands
  passwords          Set passwords into your keychain
  projects           List know projects
  pull-content       Pull content in from instance via packages
  setup-check        Check if all needed binaries are available for all functionality
  shell              Shell completion commands
  start              Start Adobe Experience Manager instance
  stop               stop Adobe Experience Manager instance
  system-information Get system information from Adobe Experience Manager instance
  version            Show version of aemcli

  -h, --help             help for aem
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output


Activation commands for (de)activation a page or a tree.

Activation commands

  aem activation [flags]
  aem activation [command]

Available Commands:
  page        Activate / Deactivate page
  tree        Activate Tree

  -h, --help   help for activation

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

activation invalidate

Invalidate path's on dispatcher

Usage: aem activation invalidate [flags]

Aliases: invalidate, flush

Flags: -g, --group string Instance group to sent invalidate to -h, --help help for invalidate -n, --name string Instance to sent invalidate to -p, --path string Package to rebuild

Global Flags: -P, --project string Run command for project. (if not current working directory) -v, --verbose verbose output

activation page

Activate / Deactivate page on instance

  aem activation page [flags]

  -a, --activate       Activate page
  -d, --deactivate     Deactivate
  -g, --group string   Instance group to (de)activate page on
  -h, --help           help for page
  -n, --name string    Instance to (de)activate page on (default "local-author")
  -p, --path string    Path to (de)activate

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

activation tree

Activate tree

  aem activation tree [flags]

  -g, --group string         Instance group to (de)activate page on
  -h, --help                 help for tree
  -d, --ignore-deactivated   Ignore Deactivated
  -n, --name string          Instance to (de)activate page on (default "local-author")
  -o, --only-modified        Only Modified
  -p, --path string          Path to (de)activate

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output


Build application using the maven pom file

  aem build [flags]

  -h, --help   help for build

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output


All commands available for bundles

  aem bundle [flags]
  aem bundle [command]

Available Commands:
  install     Install bundle
  list        List bundles
  start       Start bundle
  stop        Stop bundle

  -h, --help   help for bundle

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

bundle install

Install bundle on instance

  aem bundle install [flags]

  -b, --bundle string   Instance group to install bundle on
  -g, --group string    Instance group to install bundle on
  -h, --help            help for install
  -l, --level string    Bundle start level (default "20")
  -n, --name string     Instance to install bundle on (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

bundle list

List bundles on instance

  aem bundle list [flags]

  -h, --help          help for list
  -n, --name string   Instance to list bundles off (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

bundle start

Start bundle on an aem instance

  aem bundle start [flags]

  -b, --bundle string   Instance group to install bundle on
  -g, --group string    Instance group to install bundle on
  -h, --help            help for start
  -n, --name string     Instance to install bundle on (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

bundle stop

Stop bundle on an aem instance

  aem bundle stop [flags]

  -b, --bundle string   Instance group to install bundle on
  -g, --group string    Instance group to install bundle on
  -h, --help            help for stop
  -n, --name string     Instance to install bundle on (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output


Deploy (or deploy and build) to server(s)

  aem deploy [flags]

  -a, --artifact string   Deploy one a single artifact
  -b, --build             Build before deploy
  -g, --group string      Group to deploy to
  -h, --help              help for deploy
  -n, --name string       Instance to deploy to (default "local-author")
  -p, --password string   Overwrite password to use if not using the one from config file
  -u, --username string   Overwrite username to use if not using the one from config file

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output


Generate code block based on templates. Every template or filename can have a variable. Variables are defined as {{.variablename}}. Altering the case typing can be done via following functions:

  • CC - camelCase
  • LC - lower case
  • PC - PascalCase
  • SC - snake_case
  • KC - kabab-case
  • TC - Title case

More documentation on templates can be found here.

	  aem generate [flags]
	  aem generate [command]
	Available Commands:
	  init        Write default templates to disk
	  -h, --help   help for generate
	Global Flags:
	  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
	  -v, --verbose          verbose output

generate init

Write default templates to disk for usage and customization

  aem generate init [flags]

  -h, --help   help for init

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output


Index commands

  aem indexes [flags]
  aem indexes [command]

Available Commands:
  indexes     Show indexes on instance
  list        Reindex index on instance

  -h, --help   help for indexes

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

indexes indexes

Show indexes on instance

Usage: aem indexes indexes [flags]

Flags: -h, --help help for indexes -n, --name string Instance to stop (default "local-author")

Global Flags: -P, --project string Run command for project. (if not current working directory) -v, --verbose verbose output

indexes reindex

Reindex index on instance

  aem indexes list [flags]

  list, reindex

  -h, --help           help for list
  -i, --index string   Index to reindex
  -n, --name string    Instance to stop (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output


Creates a config file. The config file allows you to define the instances used during the project. (E.g. local author, local dev etc...)

  aem init [flags]

  -f, --force   Force override of current configuration
  -h, --help    help for init

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)

In the config, you can also define the packages you want to install at boot as for the location of the AEM jar to download for the project.


See the log file for an instance running locally. Use -f to follow the log file for more log information coming in. use CTRL+c to stop following the log file.

  aem log [flags]

  log, logs

  -f, --follow        Actively follow lines when they come in
  -h, --help          help for log
      --list          List available log files
  -l, --log string    Which file(s) to follow (default "error.log")
  -n, --name string   Instance to stop (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
 -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)


Oak commands

  aem oak [flags]
  aem oak [command]

Available Commands:
  check       Run oak check
  checkpoints Run oak checkpoints
  compact     Run oak compact
  console     Run oak console
  explorer    Run oak explorer

  -h, --help   help for oak

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

oak check

Run oak check

  aem oak check [flags]

  -a, --aem string    Version of AEM to use oak-run on. (use matching AEM version of oak-run)
  -h, --help          help for check
  -n, --name string   Instance to stop (default "local-author")
  -o, --oak string    Define version of oak-run to use

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

oak checkpoints

Run oak checkpoints

  aem oak checkpoints [flags]

  -a, --aem string    Version of AEM to use oak-run on. (use matching AEM version of oak-run)
  -h, --help          help for checkpoints
  -n, --name string   Instance to stop (default "local-author")
  -o, --oak string    Define version of oak-run to use

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

oak compact

Run oak compact Run oak-run check on instance. Check the FileStore for inconsistencies. More information see Oak-run.

Use --aem to define which AEM version you are running this against and aem cli will set the corresponding oak-run version. When you wan't to define a specific version use the --oak. The oak jar will be placed in the bin folder under instance and downloaded if it not exists yet.

  aem oak compact [flags]

  -a, --aem string    Version of AEM to use oak-run on. (use matching AEM version of oak-run)
  -h, --help          help for compact
  -n, --name string   Instance to stop (default "local-author")
  -o, --oak string    Define version of oak-run to use

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

oak console

Run oak console Run oak-run check on instance. Check the FileStore for inconsistencies. More information see Oak-run.

Use --aem to define which AEM version you are running this against and aem cli will set the corresponding oak-run version. When you wan't to define a specific version use the --oak. The oak jar will be placed in the bin folder under instance and downloaded if it not exists yet.

  aem oak console [flags]

  -a, --aem string    Version of AEM to use oak-run on. (use matching AEM version of oak-run)
  -h, --help          help for console
  -m, --metrics       Enables metrics based statistics collection
  -n, --name string   Instance to stop (default "local-author")
  -o, --oak string    Define version of oak-run to use
  -w, --read-write    Connect to repository in read-write mode

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

oak explorer

Run oak explorer Run oak-run check on instance. Check the FileStore for inconsistencies. More information see Oak-run.

Use --aem to define which AEM version you are running this against and aem cli will set the corresponding oak-run version. When you wan't to define a specific version use the --oak. The oak jar will be placed in the bin folder under instance and downloaded if it not exists yet.

  aem oak explorer [flags]

  -a, --aem string    Version of AEM to use oak-run on. (use matching AEM version of oak-run)
  -h, --help          help for explorer
  -n, --name string   Instance to stop (default "local-author")
  -o, --oak string    Define version of oak-run to use

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output


Open a browser to the instance of your choosing.

  aem open [instance name] [flags]

  -h, --help          help for open
  -n, --name string   Instance to stop (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)


Package commands

  aem package [flags]
  aem package [command]

Available Commands:
  copy        Copy packages from one instance to another
  download    Download packages
  install     Install uploaded package
  list        List packages
  rebuild     package rebuild
  upload      Upload package to aem

  -h, --help   help for package

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

package list

List the packages installed on an instance of your choosing.

  aem package list [flags]

  package-list, plist

  -h, --help          help for package-list
  -n, --name string   Instance to stop (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)

package rebuild

Rebuild a package on an instance of your choosing.

  aem package rebuild [flags]

  -h, --help             help for package-rebuild
  -n, --name string      Instance to rebuild package on (default "local-author")
  -p, --package string   Package to rebuild

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)

package download

Download a package from any instance defined in the configuration file

  aem package download [flags]

  -h, --help             help for package-download
  -n, --name string      Instance to stop (default "local-author")
  -p, --package string   Package name. E.g: name, name:1.0.0

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)

package copy

Copy a package from one instance to another. The destination can be a group to easily install to all members of a group or a single target.

  aem package copy [flags]

  -f, --from string      Instance to copy from
  -h, --help             help for package-copy
  -p, --package string   Package to copy
  -t, --to string        Destination Instance

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)      

package install

Install a package you have locally to one instance or to a complete group. The name of the package will be extracted from the manifest in the package

  aem package install [flags]

  -h, --help             help for package-install
  -n, --name string      Instance to rebuild package on (default "local-author")
  -p, --package string   Package to rebuild

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)


You don't want to store passwords in a git repository for secure development. Although the tool allows you to define passwords in the configuration file there is an option to safely store the passwords in the key-ring (password managers eg. OSX key-chain) of the operating system. Use the passwords command to populate or update the stored passwords.

  aem passwords [flags]

  passwords, password, passwd

  -h, --help          help for passwords
  -n, --name string   Update specific instance

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)


shown the known projects from previous use. These projects can be triggered from everywhere using -P --project with every command

  aem projects [flags]

  -h, --help   help for projects

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output


Download the content packages defined in the configuration file and upload them to an instance of your choosing. Handy to sync content to developer instances during the project.

  aem pull-content [flags]

  pull-content, cpull

  -b, --build         Build before download
  -f, --from string   Instance to copy from
  -h, --help          help for pull-content
  -t, --to string     Destination Instance (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
 -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)


Check if all needed binaries are available for all functionality

Usage: aem setup-check [flags]

Aliases: setup-check, setup

Flags: -h, --help help for setup-check

Global Flags: -P, --project string Run command for project. (if not current working directory) -v, --verbose verbose output


Shell completion commands

  aem shell [flags]
  aem shell [command]

Available Commands:
  bash        Generate bash completion for aemCLI
  zsh         Generate zsh completion for aemCLI

  -h, --help   help for shell

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

shell bash

Create a bash completion script for to use on your system.
E.g: aem bash > aem-completion.bash

  aem shell bash[flags]
  -h, --help          help for bash-completion
  -n, --name string   Instance to stop (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
 -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)

shell zsh

Create a zsh completion script for to use on your system.
E.g: aem zsh > aem-completion.bash

  aem shell zsh [flags]

  zsh, zsh

  -h, --help   help for zsh

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output


when using the start command is used it will download all files needed that are defined in the config file and automatically installed. Files removed from the configuration will be removed from disk so that AEM will automatically deinstall them on the next start.

By default, the start commands also checks that you are not starting the aem server as the root user.

start is compatible with the start and stop scripts provided by Adobe.

  aem start [flags]

  -r, --allow-root    Allow to start as root user (UID: 0)
  -d, --download      Force re-download
  -f, --foreground    on't detach aem from current tty
  -h, --help          help for start
  -p, --ignore-pid    Ignore existing PID file and start AEM
  -n, --name string   Instance to start (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)


Stop AEM instances running.

stop is compatible with the start and stop scripts provided by Adobe.

  aem stop [flags]

  -h, --help          help for stop
  -n, --name string   Instance to stop (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)

system-information or sysinfo

Display information about an instance. This feature is only available from AEM 6.4 or newer.

  aem system-information [flags]

  system-information, sys, sysinfo

  -r, --allow-root    Allow to start as root user (UID: 0)
  -d, --download      Force re-download
  -f, --foreground    on't detach aem from current tty
  -h, --help          help for system-information
      --ignore-pid    Ignore existing PID file and start AEM
  -n, --name string   Instance to start (default "local-author")

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)


Output the current version of the aem command line interface you are using.

  aem version [flags]

  -h, --help      help for version
  -m, --minimal   Show the minimal version information

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output

Environment variables


Set the AEM_ME variable to change the default instance choosen by start, stop and log

export AEM_ME=<instance name>

Instance name resolution

There are 2 ways to influence the default instance that is selected when not specified as parameter command. The resolution order can be seen below:

  1. AEM_ME Variable
  2. config file "defaultInstance" variable
  3. default name set in application "local-author"

Shell scripts

Bash Completion

Terminals are fun. Completion in the terminal is even more fun. Add aem-completion.bash to you completion folder. or execute the following commands

mkdir ~/.bash-completion
aem shell bash > ~/.bash-completion/aem-completion.bash

echo "source ~/.bash-completion/aem-completion.bash" >> ~/.bashrc


The generated completion script should be put somewhere in your $fpath named _aem. Usage: aem shell zsh [flags]

  zsh-completion, zsh

  -h, --help   help for zsh-completion

Global Flags:
  -P, --project string   Run command for project. (if not current working directory)
  -v, --verbose          verbose output

Or replace the last line with the following if you use zshell

echo "source ~/.bash-completion/aem-completion.bash" >> ~/.zshrc

Init script (System V)

This script helps with automaticly booting and stopping AEM when the server starts or stops.

Place the init script in the right location. To set it ready for usage.

cp aem.init /etc/init.d/aem
chown root: /etc/init.d/aem
chmod u+x /etc/init.d/aem

Enable to start automaticly at boot with:

update-rc.d aem defaults
update-rc.d aem enable	

Built With

  • Getopt - For command line parsing
  • Go-pretty - For table printing
  • Afero - For FileSystem Abstraction
  • Progressbar - For progress bar printing
  • Go-humanize - Formatters for units to human friendly sizes
  • Go-keyring - Store password in operating systems own keyring
  • Cobra - Commandline library
  • TOML - TOML parser for Golang with reflection.
  • Tail - For tailing files
  • Survey - For console survey
  • Go-colortext - Color text printing

Thank all authors and contributors of these libraries. For publishing such great software.


  • Code cleanup
  • more code testing and coverage
  • combine with lazybones
  • Features
    • thread dumps
    • sling tracer


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


AEM command line interface



Code of conduct





No packages published

Contributors 3

