Machine Learning course-based project (CBP) made using Python | Numpy | Pandas | Sklearn | Tensorflow | Streamlit
- Place the Jupyter Notebook and Datasets in the same folder
- Change the path links of the dataset in the 'read-method' appropriately
( !pip install <package_name> )
# Basic
> !pip install scikit-learn
> !pip install pandas
> !pip install numpy
> !pip install matplotlib
> !pip install seaborn
# Other:
> !pip install tensorflow
> !pip install torch
> !pip install torchvision
# To Check installation
> !pip install streamlit
type "streamlit hello" to check for streamlit intsall in the terminal
- Go to --> Anaconda Navigator --> Environments --> Terminal
- change path to your working directory
- type > streamlit hello
# To Run the file using above terminal
> streamlit run
- Open jupyter niotebook and run the College_Placement_Prediction.ipynb file.
- After running, check if 'knn_model.pkl' or other .pkl files are in the /Downloads section or your working directory
- (if not present check its path)
- Go to --> Anaconda Navigator --> Environments --> Terminal Change the path to /Downloads or your working directory.
- Run 'streamlit run' command. (Interface Opens in Web browser)
- Decision Trees
- Random Forest
- Naive Bayes
- K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
- Logistic Regression
- Support Vector Machine
- Perceptron
- BackPropagation