This repository provides Text-based dataset with comprehensive facial expression sentence using CK+, DISFA+, and MMI datasets used in paper Face Tells Detailed Expression: Generating Comprehensive Facial Expression Sentence through Facial Action Units
- The implementation of this paper is now under construction.
You firstly need to download facial image datasets from the original database download pages:
Text-based dataset with comprehensive facial expression sentence with instruction for using these dataset along with downloaded facial image datasets is included below:
- Extended Cohn–Kande Dataset (CK+): a complete facial expression dataset for action unit and emotion-specified expression
- Extended DISFA Dataset: Investigating Posed and Spontaneous Facial Expressions
- Web-based database for facial expression analysis
Please cite the following paper if you have use this code:
title={Face Tells Detailed Expression: Generating Comprehensive Facial Expression Sentence Through Facial Action Units},
author={Hong, Joanna and Lee, Hong Joo and Kim, Yelin and Ro, Yong Man},
booktitle={International Conference on Multimedia Modeling},