NLP Projects
This is a collection of corpora for a phishing corpus project. A .zip of a merged Styler Enronsent corpus can be found here:!dWAhWKpB!sRKfTG0_GL8JXLzoZwzLFn0SJhnCRX3yqtl9-3uBtQc
The corpora are attributed to:
Ocampo, D. (2019). This project will determine which of the five supervised classification machine learning algorithms performs best in detecting phishy emails: diegoocampoh/MachineLearningPhishing. Retrieved from (Original work published 2017)
Radev, D. (2008), CLAIR collection of fraud email, ACL Data and Code Repository, ADCR2008T001,
Styler, Will (2011). The EnronSent Corpus. Technical Report 01-2011, University of Colorado at Boulder Institute of Cognitive Science, Boulder, CO.,