This is just a collection of dotfiles in my home directory I use personally. They contain snippets of things I've found useful collected from other's dotfiles, my own tinkering, and various places around the Internet.
Snippets shamelessly borrowed from some of the following....
- Other sources I forgot to make note of....
I like to maintain misc notes I can easily access via terminal.
They can be accessed in the docs folder.
From bash shell there is a function called znotes
which just opens them all in less
for quick searching.
First you should fork this so you have your own copy.
After you fork it do the following...
cd ~
git clone --recursive
cd dotfiles
cd ~
source .bashrc
source .profile
That should be it. Note the "--recursive" as there are submodules.
cd ~/dotfiles
git pull origin master
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
cd ~
source .bashrc
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