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Sapio is the anagram of Open Source API.

Sapio provides the compatibility matrix of an Android application with deGoogled bare Android Open Source Project (AOSP) devices, coupled or not with microG.

Sapio can serve as a lobbying tool by sharing compatibility matrices on social media to raise awareness among app developers about respecting users' personal data.

Evaluations in Sapio are given to the community by the community.

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🟢 The app works perfectly without Google Play Services

🟡 The app works partially: at least one feature (notifications, in-app purchases, login methods etc) does not work without Google Play Services

🔴 The app does not work at all or crashes without Google Play Services

bareAOSP The device is a bare AOSP device

microG The device has microG installed

root The device is considered rooted

user The device is not considered rooted

NB: ratings for rooted devices are less visible as they are of secondary importance.

🔨 Build

Get the sources

git clone

Build Sapio

cd Sapio
./gradlew assembleDebug

📱 Install

adb install ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk

🌍 Public API

Base url


List evaluations

curl -X GET "\[pageSize\]=100&sort=updatedAt:Desc"

Search evaluations

curl -X GET "\[name\]\[\$eq\]=ChatGPT"

Get icons

curl -X GET "\[name\]\[\$eq\]=com.openai.chatgpt.png"

☕ Coffee

If you want to offer me a coffee for the maintenance of the server part:

Buy Me a Coffee at

👏 Credits

Brain icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Search icons created by Smashicons - Flaticon