a lightweight human id generator written in java without any dependencies
<!--Add Dependency to your pom.xml-->
// Build any Instance of the HumanId Generator
HumanId generator = HumanId.builder().build();
HumanId generatorWithProperties = HumanId.builder()
// Choose any strategy to generate the Ids
String humanId = generator.generate(HumanIdStrategy.EXHAUSTIVE);
String humanId = generator.generate(HumanIdStrategy.NUMBERED, HumanIdSeparator.DASH);
adjectives: 131
animals: 102
verbs: 100
numbers (postfix): 1000
possibilities: 131 * 102 * 100 * 1000 = 1.336.200.000
- adjectives: 131
- animals: 102
- verbs: 100
- numbers (prefix(exhaustive)): 1000
- numbers (postfix): 1000
- possibilities(exhaustive): 1000 * 131 * 102 * 100 * 1000 = 1.3e+12