A sql library for janet
jpm install https://github.com/joy-framework/suresql
You will also need one of the following libraries:
jpm install sqlite3
# or
jpm install pq
suresql currently supports two databases
- sqlite3
- postgres
Run this command to create a sqlite database in the current directory
touch todos_dev.sqlite3
Note: todos_dev.sqlite3
can be any name
Run this command to create a postgres database, assuming a running postgres server and a createdb
cli script in the current PATH
createdb todos_dev
Suresql doesn't abstract sql away from you, it gives you an easy yesql inspired way of working with sql! Even migrations can happen in plain sql:
Step 1. Create a sql file wherever you want
-- sql/users.sql
-- name: create-table
create table if not exists users (
id integer primary key, -- or serial primary key for postgres
name text not null,
email text unique not null
Step 2. Reference that sql file in a .janet
file with defqueries
(named whatever you want)
; # users.janet
(import sqlite3)
(import suresql :prefix "")
(defqueries "sql/users.sql"
{:connection (sqlite3/open "db.sqlite3")})
Step 3. Reference that janet file and start calling functions from your sql file:
(import ./users)
This works for any query:
-- sql/users.sql
-- ...other queries
-- name: where
select *
from users
where name = :name
-- name: find
-- fn: first
select *
from users
where id = ?
-- name: insert
insert into users (
) values (
-- name: update
update users
set email = :email,
name = :name
where id = :id
-- name: delete
from users
where id = ?
And now defqueries
inserts all of those named queries as functions into the users.janet
(import ./users)
(users/insert {:name "name" :email "email"}) ; # => @[]
(users/insert {:name "name" :email "email2"}) ; # => @[]
(users/update {:name "name" :email "email1" :id 1}) ; # => @[]
(users/find 1) ; # => {:id 1 :name "name" :email "email1"}
(users/where {:name "name"}) ; # => @[{:id 1 :name "name" :email "email1"} {:id 2 :name "name" :email "email2"}]
(users/delete 1) ; # => @[]
You may have noticed that you can not only name sql queries, you can also pass janet functions to them with -- fn:
-- name: find
-- fn: first
select *
from users
where id = ?
This works for any janet function defined alongside defqueries
, even your own. This function gets eval-string
'd and takes the returned rows as an argument (if there are any).
That's it! Be sure to enjoy sql!