Transactional Cryptocurrency Network, TCN, is a simple blockchain and cryptocurrency implemented in Go. TCN supports wallets, block mining, transactions and a distributed network.
I decided to start this project as a way to gain a better understanding for blockchain technology. It is a living research project that has loosely implements the bitcoin specification. Anyone interested in building anything stable upon TCN is encouraged to fork it first, since given the reseach project status, backwards breaking changes are likely.
These instructions will help you get TCN installed and gat the initial blockchain created and mine the Genesis block.
There are 2 methods to install TCN:
Install with go get
go get -u
Clone the reop and install
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd tcn
go install -v
When creating the blockchain, you must specify an address, that address will recieve credit(coins) for the mining of the Genesis block
tcn createblockchain -address <wallet-address>
tcn getbalance -address <wallet-address>
tcn send -to <destination-wallet> -from <source-wallet> -amount <amount of coins to send>
tcn printchain
- BoltDB - BoltDB: embedded k/v database for Go
Please read
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Jesse P Lesperance = Initial Work - jplesperance