This is the PyTorch implementation for our NeurIPS 2023 paper.
Junkang Wu, Jiawei Chen, Jiancan Wu, Wentao Shi, Xiang Wang & Xiangnan He. 2023. Understanding Contrastive Learning via Distributionally Robust Optimization. arxiv link
The implementation only requires a small modification to the InfoNCE code.
# pos : exp of inner products for positive examples
# neg : exp of inner products for negative examples
# N : number of negative examples
# t : temperature scaling
# mu : center position
# sigma : height scale
standard_loss = -log(pos.sum() / (pos.sum() + neg.sum()))
weight=1/(sigma * sqrt(2*pi)) * exp( -0.5 * ((neg-mu)/sigma)**2 )
Adjusted_loss = -log(pos.sum() / (pos.sum() + (neg * weight.detach() ).sum()))
The code can be found in image
The code can be found in sentence
The code can be found in graph
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author = {Junkang Wu and Jiawei Chen and Jiancan Wu and Wentao Shi and Xiang Wang and Xiangnan He},
title = {Understanding Contrastive Learning via Distributionally Robust Optimization},
booktitle = {NeurIPS},
year = {2023}
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