Herkese merhabalar ben Kadir Nar. SAHI kütüphanesine gönüllü geliştiriciyim. Bu repo SAHI kütüphanesine yeni bir model nasıl ekleneceğini anlattım.
- DetectionModel(Detection)
- load_model():
- perform_inference():
- num_categories():
- has_mask():
- category_names():
- _create_object_prediction_list_from_original_predictions():
Class ismini oluştururkan model isminin yanına DetectionModel(Detection) yazıyoruz.
1.1 Mmdet:
class MmdetDetectionModel(DetectionModel)
1.2 Yolov5:
class Yolov5DetectionModel(DetectionModel):
1.3 Detectron2:
class Detectron2DetectionModel(DetectionModel)
1.4 TorchVision:
class TorchVisionDetectionModel(DetectionModel)
Bu fonksiyon 3 aşamadan oluşmaktadır.
a. Kütüphaneyi import ediyoruz. PYPI desteği olmayan kütüphanelerin kurulumunu desteklenmiyor.
b. Modele girecek resimlerin image_size değerlerini güncellemeniz gerekiyor.
c. category_mapping değişkenini {"1": "pedestrian"} bu formatta olması gerekiyor.
2.1 Mmdet:
def load_model(self):
Detection model is initialized and set to self.model.
import mmdet
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
'Please run "pip install -U mmcv mmdet" ' "to install MMDetection first for MMDetection inference."
from mmdet.apis import init_detector
# create model
model = init_detector(
# update model image size
if self.image_size is not None:
model.cfg.data.test.pipeline[1]["img_scale"] = (self.image_size, self.image_size)
# set self.model
self.model = model
# set category_mapping
if not self.category_mapping:
category_mapping = {str(ind): category_name for ind, category_name in enumerate(self.category_names)}
self.category_mapping = category_mapping
2.2 Yolov5:
def load_model(self):
Detection model is initialized and set to self.model.
import yolov5
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Please run "pip install -U yolov5" ' "to install YOLOv5 first for YOLOv5 inference.")
# set model
model = yolov5.load(self.model_path, device=self.device)
model.conf = self.confidence_threshold
self.model = model
except Exception as e:
TypeError("model_path is not a valid yolov5 model path: ", e)
# set category_mapping
if not self.category_mapping:
category_mapping = {str(ind): category_name for ind, category_name in enumerate(self.category_names)}
self.category_mapping = category_mapping
2.3 Detectron2:
def load_model(self):
import detectron2
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Please install detectron2. Check "
"`https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/install.html` "
"for instalattion details."
from detectron2.config import get_cfg
from detectron2.data import MetadataCatalog
from detectron2.engine import DefaultPredictor
from detectron2.model_zoo import model_zoo
cfg = get_cfg()
cfg.MODEL.DEVICE = self.device
try: # try to load from model zoo
config_file = model_zoo.get_config_file(self.config_path)
cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = model_zoo.get_checkpoint_url(self.config_path)
except Exception as e: # try to load from local
if self.config_path is not None:
cfg.MODEL.WEIGHTS = self.model_path
# set input image size
if self.image_size is not None:
cfg.INPUT.MIN_SIZE_TEST = self.image_size
cfg.INPUT.MAX_SIZE_TEST = self.image_size
# init predictor
model = DefaultPredictor(cfg)
self.model = model
# detectron2 category mapping
if self.category_mapping is None:
try: # try to parse category names from metadata
metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN[0])
category_names = metadata.thing_classes
self.category_names = category_names
self.category_mapping = {
str(ind): category_name for ind, category_name in enumerate(self.category_names)
except Exception as e:
# https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/datasets.html#update-the-config-for-new-datasets
if cfg.MODEL.META_ARCHITECTURE == "RetinaNet":
num_categories = cfg.MODEL.RETINANET.NUM_CLASSES
else: # fasterrcnn/maskrcnn etc
num_categories = cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.NUM_CLASSES
self.category_names = [str(category_id) for category_id in range(num_categories)]
self.category_mapping = {
str(ind): category_name for ind, category_name in enumerate(self.category_names)
self.category_names = list(self.category_mapping.values())
2.4 TorchVision:
def load_model(self):
import torchvision
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"torchvision is not installed. Please run 'pip install -U torchvision to use this "
"torchvision models'"
# set model
from sahi.utils.torch import torch
model = self.config_path
model = model.to(self.device)
self.model = model
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f"Failed to load model from {self.model_path}. {e}")
# set category_mapping
from sahi.utils.torchvision import COCO_CLASSES
if self.category_mapping is None:
category_names = {str(i): COCO_CLASSES[i] for i in range(len(COCO_CLASSES))}
self.category_mapping = category_names
Bu fonksiyonda 3 aşamada oluşmaktadır.
a. Kütüphanenin import edilmesi gerekiyor.
b. Resimlerin size değerinin güncellenmesi lazım.
c. Modelin tahmin kodlarının yazılması gerekiyor.
3.1 Mmdet:
def perform_inference(self, image: np.ndarray, image_size: int = None):
Prediction is performed using self.model and the prediction result is set to self._original_predictions.
image: np.ndarray
A numpy array that contains the image to be predicted. 3 channel image should be in RGB order.
image_size: int
Inference input size.
import mmdet
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
'Please run "pip install -U mmcv mmdet" ' "to install MMDetection first for MMDetection inference."
# Confirm model is loaded
assert self.model is not None, "Model is not loaded, load it by calling .load_model()"
# Supports only batch of 1
from mmdet.apis import inference_detector
# update model image size
if image_size is not None:
warnings.warn("Set 'image_size' at DetectionModel init.", DeprecationWarning)
self.model.cfg.data.test.pipeline[1]["img_scale"] = (image_size, image_size)
# perform inference
if isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
# https://github.com/obss/sahi/issues/265
image = image[:, :, ::-1]
# compatibility with sahi v0.8.15
if not isinstance(image, list):
image = [image]
prediction_result = inference_detector(self.model, image)
self._original_predictions = prediction_result
3.2 Yolov5:
def perform_inference(self, image: np.ndarray, image_size: int = None):
Prediction is performed using self.model and the prediction result is set to self._original_predictions.
image: np.ndarray
A numpy array that contains the image to be predicted. 3 channel image should be in RGB order.
image_size: int
Inference input size.
import yolov5
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Please run "pip install -U yolov5" ' "to install YOLOv5 first for YOLOv5 inference.")
# Confirm model is loaded
assert self.model is not None, "Model is not loaded, load it by calling .load_model()"
if image_size is not None:
warnings.warn("Set 'image_size' at DetectionModel init.", DeprecationWarning)
prediction_result = self.model(image, size=image_size)
elif self.image_size is not None:
prediction_result = self.model(image, size=self.image_size)
prediction_result = self.model(image)
self._original_predictions = prediction_result
3.3 Detectron2:
def perform_inference(self, image: np.ndarray, image_size: int = None):
Prediction is performed using self.model and the prediction result is set to self._original_predictions.
image: np.ndarray
A numpy array that contains the image to be predicted. 3 channel image should be in RGB order.
import detectron2
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Please install detectron2 via `pip install detectron2`")
# confirm image_size is not provided
if image_size is not None:
warnings.warn("Set 'image_size' at DetectionModel init.")
# Confirm model is loaded
if self.model is None:
raise RuntimeError("Model is not loaded, load it by calling .load_model()")
if isinstance(image, np.ndarray) and self.model.input_format == "BGR":
# convert RGB image to BGR format
image = image[:, :, ::-1]
prediction_result = self.model(image)
self._original_predictions = prediction_result
3.4 TorchVision:
def perform_inference(self, image: np.ndarray, image_size: int = None):
Prediction is performed using self.model and the prediction result is set to self._original_predictions.
image: np.ndarray
A numpy array that contains the image to be predicted. 3 channel image should be in RGB order.
image_size: int
Inference input size.
if self.model is None:
raise ValueError("model not loaded.")
from sahi.utils.torchvision import numpy_to_torch, resize_image
if self.image_size is not None:
image = resize_image(image, self.image_size)
image = numpy_to_torch(image)
prediction_result = self.model([image])
prediction_result = self.model([image])
self._original_predictions = prediction_result
Bu fonksiyonda tahmin edilen kategorilerin sayısını döndürmesi isteniyor.
4.1 Mmdet:
def num_categories(self):
Returns number of categories
if isinstance(self.model.CLASSES, str):
num_categories = 1
num_categories = len(self.model.CLASSES)
return num_categories
4.2 Yolov5:
def num_categories(self):
Returns number of categories
return len(self.model.names)
4.3 Detectron2:
def num_categories(self):
Returns number of categories
num_categories = len(self.category_mapping)
return num_categories
4.4 TorchVision:
def num_categories(self):
Returns number of categories
return len(self.category_mapping)
Bu fonksiyonda tahmin edilen kategorilerin maskleri olup olmadığını döndürmesi isteniyor.
5.1 Mmdet:
def has_mask(self):
Returns if model output contains segmentation mask
has_mask = self.model.with_mask
return has_mask```
5.2 Yolov5:
5.2 Yolov5:
def has_mask(self):
Returns if model output contains segmentation mask
has_mask = self.model.with_mask
return has_mask
5.3 Detectron2:
if get_bbox_from_bool_mask(mask) is not None:
bbox = None
5.4 TorchVision:
def has_mask(self):
Returns if model output contains segmentation mask
return self.model.with_mask
Bu fonksiyonda tahmin edilen kategorilerin isimlerini döndürmesi isteniyor.
6.1 Mmdet:
def category_names(self):
if type(self.model.CLASSES) == str:
# https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/pull/4973
return (self.model.CLASSES,)
return self.model.CLASSES
6.2 Yolov5:
def category_names(self):
return self.model.names
6.3 Detectron2:
# detectron2 category mapping
if self.category_mapping is None:
try: # try to parse category names from metadata
metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN[0])
category_names = metadata.thing_classes
self.category_names = category_names
6.4 TorchVision:
def category_names(self):
return self.category_mapping
Bu fonksiyon da bir şablon üzerinden kodlama yapmanız sizin için daha rahat olacaktır. Fonksiyonunu altına direk bunu yazabilirsiniz.
original_predictions = self._original_predictions
# compatilibty for sahi v0.8.15
if isinstance(shift_amount_list[0], int):
shift_amount_list = [shift_amount_list]
if full_shape_list is not None and isinstance(full_shape_list[0], int):
full_shape_list = [full_shape_list]
Bundan sonra modeliniz tahminleme yaptıktan sonra bbox,mask,category_id, category_name ve score değerleri döndürmesi isteniyor. Bu değerleri object_prediction değişkeninin içindeki none değerleri yerine yazmanız gerekiyor. Aşağıdaki şablon yapısını da bozmamanız istenmektedir.
object_prediction = ObjectPrediction(
# detectron2 DefaultPredictor supports single image
object_prediction_list_per_image = [object_prediction_list]
self._object_prediction_list_per_image = object_prediction_list_per_image
7.1 Mmdet:
def _create_object_prediction_list_from_original_predictions(
shift_amount_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = [[0, 0]],
full_shape_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
self._original_predictions is converted to a list of prediction.ObjectPrediction and set to
shift_amount_list: list of list
To shift the box and mask predictions from sliced image to full sized image, should
be in the form of List[[shift_x, shift_y],[shift_x, shift_y],...]
full_shape_list: list of list
Size of the full image after shifting, should be in the form of
List[[height, width],[height, width],...]
original_predictions = self._original_predictions
category_mapping = self.category_mapping
# compatilibty for sahi v0.8.15
shift_amount_list = fix_shift_amount_list(shift_amount_list)
full_shape_list = fix_full_shape_list(full_shape_list)
# parse boxes and masks from predictions
num_categories = self.num_categories
object_prediction_list_per_image = []
for image_ind, original_prediction in enumerate(original_predictions):
shift_amount = shift_amount_list[image_ind]
full_shape = None if full_shape_list is None else full_shape_list[image_ind]
if self.has_mask:
boxes = original_prediction[0]
masks = original_prediction[1]
boxes = original_prediction
object_prediction_list = []
# process predictions
for category_id in range(num_categories):
category_boxes = boxes[category_id]
if self.has_mask:
category_masks = masks[category_id]
num_category_predictions = len(category_boxes)
for category_predictions_ind in range(num_category_predictions):
bbox = category_boxes[category_predictions_ind][:4]
score = category_boxes[category_predictions_ind][4]
category_name = category_mapping[str(category_id)]
# ignore low scored predictions
if score < self.confidence_threshold:
# parse prediction mask
if self.has_mask:
bool_mask = category_masks[category_predictions_ind]
bool_mask = None
# fix negative box coords
bbox[0] = max(0, bbox[0])
bbox[1] = max(0, bbox[1])
bbox[2] = max(0, bbox[2])
bbox[3] = max(0, bbox[3])
# fix out of image box coords
if full_shape is not None:
bbox[0] = min(full_shape[1], bbox[0])
bbox[1] = min(full_shape[0], bbox[1])
bbox[2] = min(full_shape[1], bbox[2])
bbox[3] = min(full_shape[0], bbox[3])
# ignore invalid predictions
if not (bbox[0] < bbox[2]) or not (bbox[1] < bbox[3]):
logger.warning(f"ignoring invalid prediction with bbox: {bbox}")
object_prediction = ObjectPrediction(
self._object_prediction_list_per_image = object_prediction_list_per_image
7.2 Yolov5:
def _create_object_prediction_list_from_original_predictions(
shift_amount_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = [[0, 0]],
full_shape_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
self._original_predictions is converted to a list of prediction.ObjectPrediction and set to
shift_amount_list: list of list
To shift the box and mask predictions from sliced image to full sized image, should
be in the form of List[[shift_x, shift_y],[shift_x, shift_y],...]
full_shape_list: list of list
Size of the full image after shifting, should be in the form of
List[[height, width],[height, width],...]
original_predictions = self._original_predictions
# compatilibty for sahi v0.8.15
shift_amount_list = fix_shift_amount_list(shift_amount_list)
full_shape_list = fix_full_shape_list(full_shape_list)
# handle all predictions
object_prediction_list_per_image = []
for image_ind, image_predictions_in_xyxy_format in enumerate(original_predictions.xyxy):
shift_amount = shift_amount_list[image_ind]
full_shape = None if full_shape_list is None else full_shape_list[image_ind]
object_prediction_list = []
# process predictions
for prediction in image_predictions_in_xyxy_format.cpu().detach().numpy():
x1 = int(prediction[0])
y1 = int(prediction[1])
x2 = int(prediction[2])
y2 = int(prediction[3])
bbox = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
score = prediction[4]
category_id = int(prediction[5])
category_name = self.category_mapping[str(category_id)]
# fix negative box coords
bbox[0] = max(0, bbox[0])
bbox[1] = max(0, bbox[1])
bbox[2] = max(0, bbox[2])
bbox[3] = max(0, bbox[3])
# fix out of image box coords
if full_shape is not None:
bbox[0] = min(full_shape[1], bbox[0])
bbox[1] = min(full_shape[0], bbox[1])
bbox[2] = min(full_shape[1], bbox[2])
bbox[3] = min(full_shape[0], bbox[3])
# ignore invalid predictions
if not (bbox[0] < bbox[2]) or not (bbox[1] < bbox[3]):
logger.warning(f"ignoring invalid prediction with bbox: {bbox}")
object_prediction = ObjectPrediction(
self._object_prediction_list_per_image = object_prediction_list_per_image
7.3 Detectron2:
def _create_object_prediction_list_from_original_predictions(
shift_amount_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = [[0, 0]],
full_shape_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
self._original_predictions is converted to a list of prediction.ObjectPrediction and set to
shift_amount_list: list of list
To shift the box and mask predictions from sliced image to full sized image, should
be in the form of List[[shift_x, shift_y],[shift_x, shift_y],...]
full_shape_list: list of list
Size of the full image after shifting, should be in the form of
List[[height, width],[height, width],...]
original_predictions = self._original_predictions
# compatilibty for sahi v0.8.15
if isinstance(shift_amount_list[0], int):
shift_amount_list = [shift_amount_list]
if full_shape_list is not None and isinstance(full_shape_list[0], int):
full_shape_list = [full_shape_list]
# parse boxes, masks, scores, category_ids from predictions
boxes = original_predictions["instances"].pred_boxes.tensor.tolist()
scores = original_predictions["instances"].scores.tolist()
category_ids = original_predictions["instances"].pred_classes.tolist()
# check if predictions contain mask
masks = original_predictions["instances"].pred_masks.tolist()
except AttributeError:
masks = None
# create object_prediction_list
object_prediction_list_per_image = []
object_prediction_list = []
# detectron2 DefaultPredictor supports single image
shift_amount = shift_amount_list[0]
full_shape = None if full_shape_list is None else full_shape_list[0]
for ind in range(len(boxes)):
score = scores[ind]
if score < self.confidence_threshold:
category_id = category_ids[ind]
if masks is None:
bbox = boxes[ind]
mask = None
mask = np.array(masks[ind])
# check if mask is valid
if get_bbox_from_bool_mask(mask) is not None:
bbox = None
object_prediction = ObjectPrediction(
# detectron2 DefaultPredictor supports single image
object_prediction_list_per_image = [object_prediction_list]
self._object_prediction_list_per_image = object_prediction_list_per_image
7.4 TorchVision: Not: TorchVision kütüphanesinin geliştirilmeye devam etmektedir.