This project is a fully responsive e-commerce/portolio website for Dirt Road kennels, a dog breeder. The end user should be able to veiw all dog photos, purchase a dog, contact J(the business owner), learn about the business and people who contributed to it, read about the best ways to care for their bully. It will be done using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JS but I would also like to use google analytics api and do the backend.
home... contains the call to action along with a nav bar and quick links that are easily navigated along with a little bit about the business owners pups... will have boys and girls as seperate pages photos... contains all the photos and will be linked in the hero of the home where other photos are. about us... where business owner info is and customer feed back will be displayed.
There is no need for installation so to access this project you just need to visit the webpage