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Payment system using DDD - Learning purpose.

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A student management and fee collection system. Consists of 3 micro-services for student, payment & receipt domains and a supporting kafka server.


Please make sure your machine has the following things installed,

  • IDE: IntelliJ IDEA (preferred)

    • Java 17 (can be installed easily using IDE if you have one)
    • Maven 3.8.* (again comes bundled with most of the IDE)
    • Checkout this project as whole
      • It is a multi-module mono-repo consists of all the required modules together.
    • Select maven's clean install goals from maven section of the IDE


  • If you prefer terminal, you can use mvnw (maven wrapper) comes with this repository itself

    • ./mvnw clean install from the root of the directory to build all the modules.

Module anatomy

  • All the common modules are group under common maven module.
  • Service modules are suffixed with **-service & **-server
    • can be run individually
  • kafka-server module is a Embedded Kafka setup using spring-boot. And it is good enough for this demo app.
    • All the required kafka topics are created automatically when it is up.
    • It is visible only on localhost and not configured for remote execution.
    • Message serialization: Json serializer is used for messages. Due to demo app, we haven't gone with Avro format & schema-registry.

Local Run

Steps to locally run the required applications,

  • Please run the below services,

    • Using maven wrapper (maven wrapper doesn't need maven installation locally)

      • Step 1: Open terminal and move to the skiply-system directory

        • cd {your-location}/skiply-system
      • Step 2: Run each of the below commands on a separate terminal,

        • ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --file ./kafka-server/pom.xml - recommended to start this first
        • ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --file ./student-service/pom.xml
        • ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --file ./payment-service/pom.xml
        • ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --file ./receipt-service/pom.xml


    • Using IDE as spring boot application,

      • kafka-server - recommended to start this first.

      • studen-service

      • payment-service

      • receipt-service

        (Optional) you may also compound these runs into single unit as shown below, Compound Run

  • Once all the services are up & running, then go to service specific Swagger UI to execute the flows as described below.

Sequence Diagram

    participant api as api-consumer
    participant student as student-service
    participant payment as payment-service
    participant receipt as receipt-service
    participant kafka as kafka-server
    participant mpg as mock-payment-gateway
    Note over kafka: In-memory Embedded Kafka <br/> Run as Spring Boot App
    Note over mpg: It is just a runtime component <br/>with in "payment".<br/> Just separated for a clarity
    api->>+student: POST /v1/students <br/>(register a student)
        student->>student: persist student record in DB
    student-->>-api: Http status: 201 Created (success)
    api->>+payment: POST /v1/payments <br/>(payload with student-id)
        payment->>+mpg: Validate card info and collect payment
        mpg-->>-payment: success
        payment->>payment: persist payment transaction <br/> record in DB
        payment-->>kafka: Publishes "payment-success" event <br/> (with Transaction & Purchase details)
    payment-->>-api: HTTP status: 201 Created (success) <br/>(payload with payment reference number)
    kafka-->>+receipt: Consumes "payment-success" event
        receipt->>receipt: Persistes the receipt record in DB <br/> with PENDING status
        receipt-->>-kafka: Publishes "student-info-request" event
            kafka-->>+student: Consumes "student-info-request" event
                student->>student: Retrieve student info record from DB
                student-->>-kafka: Publishes "student-info-response" event
                    kafka-->>+receipt: Consumes "student-info-response" event
                        receipt->>-receipt: Update the receipt record with student info in DB <br/> with COMPLETED status
    api->>+receipt: GET /v1/receipts?paymentReferenceNumber=xxxxx
        receipt->>receipt: Retrieve receipt record by payment reference number
    receipt-->>-api: 200 Ok (success) <br/> (payload with receipt details)

Steps to verify the flow

  • Step 1: Register a student using student-service's post endpoint (Assumption: Student Id has to be provided to register).

  • Step 2: Make a payment for the registered student-id. Again you should get 201 and a paymentReferenceNumber as a response. Note: IdempotencyKey has to be unique for each transaction to maintain the idempotency of the payment request.

  • Step 3: Retrieve the receipt using paymentReferenceNumber

Design Decisions

  • To aggregate data from multiple service, the approach I took here is CQRS pattern.
    • For instance, receipt-service needs data from student-service & payment-service. The flow is,
      • payment-service emits an event to kafka with required information once payment is collected successfully.
      • receipt-service then consumes it and load the data in a format it needs (since the payment data is immutable once created). It is a perfectly fine to capture and store locally in a structure it needs.
      • Once payment related information is persisted in the receipt-service's local DB, then it will request for the student info. It is achieved by request-response event model using kafka.
      • Both payment & student information required for receipt will be stored locally in an expected format.
  • Due to time constraint I haven't used the Outbox pattern before publishing the events.
  • Used @RequiredArgsConstructor for constructor injection
  • Two type of service classes may have been used in some parts of service to comply with DDD approach
    • **ApplicationService class - to execute application level business logics (aka UseCase classes)
    • **DomainService class - to execute Domain business logics.
      • Optional if only one AggregateRoot is involved. Ex: student-service.
      • It is only applicable when two or more AggregateRoots has to be accessed and orchestrated to execute Domain logic (DDD concept).
    • Used ValueObjects to embrace domain driven concepts and set a meaningful types (DDD concept).
      • ex: StudentId, etc
    • I used Lombok annotations in the Domain classes due to time constrain. Usually it will be made up of pure Java code without any dependency from an external libs or frameworks.


  • Student number will be unique across the schools. So, make it as primary key after the required validations.
    • Otherwise, we need to maintain internal student id with in our system to make it unique.
  • Payment service doesn't validate the student Id is a registered one before making payment. It was clarified before doing this assignment.

In-progress items

  • Unit testing


A student fee payment system.






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