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kasemir edited this page Feb 16, 2017 · 1 revision


Uses a TextUpdate without PV, directly setting the Text (should use Label).

Display Builder has no GridLayout, so LEDs are scattered in various locations.

For sim://flipflop(1) or sim://flipflop(0.5), BOY and Display Builder runtime appear the same.

For sim://flipflop(0.2) or faster, Display Builder's default settings suppress updates:

# Time waited after a trigger to allow for more updates to accumulate
org.csstudio.display.builder.representation/update_accumulation_time = 20

# Pause between updates to prevent flooding the UI thread
org.csstudio.display.builder.representation/update_delay = 100

When reducing these numbers to 0 millisecs, updates for the standalone Display Builder runtime are similar to BOY. Display Builder runtime within FXCanvas occasionally skip updates.