The project implementation in Master branch covers the requirements for the dissertation project. Please check out the experimental branch for the latest updates and development goals.
- Introduction
- Installation
- Dependencies
- Usage
- Video Demo
This ROS package, ros_conversation_centroid, is designed to detect and track humans in a scene using computer vision techniques. It employs RGB-D data to identify humans and their interactions, and subsequently computes the 2D and 3D centroids of conversations.
The primary features include:
- Human detection and tracking
- Social interaction classification (e.g., N-shape, Vis-a-vis)
- 2D and 3D centroid calculation for conversations
To install this package, clone the repository into your ROS workspace and build the project:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
- ROS (Tested on ROS Noetic)
- OpenCV (Tested on version 4.x)
- Python 3.x
- NumPy
To run the code, simply execute the following command:
rosrun ros_conversation_centroid
A video demonstration of this project is available on YouTube. You can watch it here.