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松戸 一真 / kazuma matsudo edited this page Feb 4, 2024 · 36 revisions

for Developers


Pull Request Process

  1. Ensure all test are passed.
  2. Update the when you add new features.
  3. If you would like, please list your account in the Contributors field of
  4. After the author submits an approve, the pull request is merged at the author's discretion.

Environment setup

  1. check out GraphDB2RDB repository
    % gh repo clone kazumatsudo/GraphDB2RDB
  2. launch your GraphDB Server
    % docker compose up -d
  3. store test data
    % sbt "runMain GenerateTestData"


% sbt test

Directory Structure

├ docker-compose.yml                    ... GraphDB for development
└ src/
  ├ main/
  │ ├ resources/
  │ │ ├ conf/                           ... access settings to GraphDB
  │ │ ├ application.conf                ... environment variables
  │ │ ├ using_key_list_file.json        ... use when analysis method is "using_specific_key_list"
  │ │ └ using_key_list_file_schema.json ...   schema for the above
  │ └ scala/
  │     ├ Main.scala                    ... Entrypoint
  │     ├ domain/
  │     │ ├ graph/                      ... result of loading GraphDB
  │     │ └ table/                      ... case classes for conversion SQL
  │     │     ├ ddl/                    ... case classes for conversion DDL
  │     │     │ └ attribute/            ...   DDL attributes (ex. Primary key)
  │     │     └ dml/                    ... case classes for conversion DML
  │     ├ infrastructure/               ... get vertices/edges from GraphDB
  │     ├ usecase/                      ... some methods to convert SQL from GraphDB
  │     └ utils/                        ... utility classes
  └ test/
    └ scala/
      └ GenerateTestData.scala          ... generate test data for develop

Class Diagram



    class GraphElement {
        +toDdl(): TableList
        +toDml(): RecordList

    class GraphEdge {
        -value: Edge
        -inVertex: Vertex
        -inVertexId: AnyRef
        -inVertexLabel: String
        -outVertex: Vertex
        -outVertexId: AnyRef
        -outVertexLabel: String
        -config: Config
        -tableName: TableName
        -columnNamePrefixProperty: String
        -columnNamePrefixLabel: String
        -id: AnyRef
        +toDdl(): TableList
        +toDml(): RecordList

    class GraphVertex {
        -value: Vertex
        -config: Config
        -tableName: TableName
        -columnNamePrefixProperty: String
        -columnNamePrefixLabel: String
        +id: AnyRef
        +toDdl(): TableList
        +toDml(): RecordList

    GraphEdge ..|> GraphElement
    GraphVertex ..|> GraphElement


    class TableList {
        -value: Map[TableName, Taple2[ColumnList, TableAttributes]]
        +merge(target: TableList, checkUnique: Boolean): TableList
        +toSqlSentence(): View[String]
    class TableName {
        -value: String
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class TableAttributes {
        -primaryKey: PrimaryKey
        -uniqueIndex: UniqueIndex
        +merge(target: TableAttributes, checkUnique: Boolean): TableAttributes
        +toSqlSentenceSeq(): View[String]

    class PrimaryKey {
        -value: Set[ColumnName]
        +merge(target: PrimaryKey): PrimaryKey
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ForeignKey {
        -value: Map[ColumnName, Taple2[TableName, ColumnName]]
        +merge(target: ForeignKey, checkUnique: Boolean): ForeignKey
        +toSqlSentenceView: View[String]
    class UniqueIndex {
        -value: Map[UniqueIndexName, Set[ColumnName]]
        +merge(target: UniqueIndex, checkUnique: Boolean): UniqueIndex
        +toSqlSentenceView: View[String]
    class UniqueIndexName {
        -value: String
        +toSqlSentence: String

    class ColumnList {
        -value: Map[ColumnName, ColumnType]
        +merge(target: ColumnList): ColumnList
        +toSqlSentenceView(): View[String]
    class ColumnName {
        -value: String
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnType {
        +merge(a: ColumnType, b: ColumnType): ColumnType
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeBoolean {
        +length: ColumnLength
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeByte {
        -length: ColumnLength
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeShort {
        -length: ColumnLength
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeInt {
        -length: ColumnLength
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeLong {
        -length: ColumnLength
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeFloat {
        -length: ColumnLength
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeDouble {
        -length: ColumnLength
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeUUID {
        +length: ColumnLength
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeDate {
        -length: ColumnLength
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeCharacter {
        -value: ColumnLength
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeString {
        -value: ColumnLength
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnTypeUnknown {
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class ColumnLength {
        -value: Int
        -thresholdText: Int
        +max(target: ColumnLength): ColumnLength
        +needToUseMediumText: Boolean
        +toSqlSentence(): String

    TableName "1" --* "1" TableList
    TableAttributes "*" --* "1" TableList
    PrimaryKey "1" --* "1" TableAttributes
    ForeignKey "*" --* "1" TableAttributes
    UniqueIndex "*" --* "1" TableAttributes
    UniqueIndexName "1" --* "1" UniqueIndex

    ColumnList "*" --* "1" TableList
    ColumnName "1" --* "1" ColumnList
    ColumnType "1" --* "1" ColumnList
    ColumnLength "0..1" --* "1" ColumnType

    ColumnTypeBoolean ..|> ColumnType
    ColumnTypeByte ..|> ColumnType
    ColumnTypeShort ..|> ColumnType
    ColumnTypeInt ..|> ColumnType
    ColumnTypeLong ..|> ColumnType
    ColumnTypeFloat ..|> ColumnType
    ColumnTypeDouble ..|> ColumnType
    ColumnTypeUUID ..|> ColumnType
    ColumnTypeDate ..|> ColumnType
    ColumnTypeCharacter ..|> ColumnType
    ColumnTypeString ..|> ColumnType
    ColumnTypeUnknown ..|> ColumnType

    class RecordList {
        -value: Map[RecordKey, RecordValue]
        +merge(target: RecordList, checkUnique: Boolean): RecordList
        +toSqlSentence(): View[String]
    class RecordKey {
        -value: Tuple2[TableName, RecordId]
        +toSqlSentence(): String
    class RecordId {
        -value: Any
    class RecordValue {
        -value: Map[String, Any]
        +toSqlSentence(): (String, String)
        +to(value: Any, callbackBoolean: Boolean => T, callbackByte: Byte => T, callbackShort: Short => T, callbackInt: Int => T, callbackLong: Long => T, callbackFloat: Float => T, callbackDouble: Double => T, callbackUuid: UUID => T, callbackDate: Instant => T, callbackChar: Char => T, callbackString: String => T, callbackRelationIdentifier: RelationIdentifier => T, callbackUnknown: Any => T): T

    RecordKey "*" --* "1" RecordList
    RecordValue "*" --* "1" RecordList
    TableName "1" --* "1" RecordKey
    RecordId "1" --* "1" RecordKey


    class EdgeQuery {
        -g: GraphTraversalSource
        -config: Config
        +countAll(): Future[Long]
        +getInEdgeList(vertex: GraphVertex): Future[Seq[GraphEdge]]
        +getList(start: Int, count: Int): Future[Seq[GraphEdge]]
        +getOutEdgeList(vertex: GraphVertex): Future[Seq[GraphEdge]]
    class VertexQuery {
        -g: GraphTraversalSource
        -config: Config
        +countAll(): Future[Long]
        +getInVertexList(edge: GraphEdge): Future[Seq[GraphVertex]]
        +getList(start: Int, count: Int): Future[Seq[GraphVertex]]
        +getListByPropertyKey(label: String, key: String, value: Any): Future[Seq[GraphVertex]]
        +getOutVertexList(edge: GraphEdge): Future[Seq[GraphVertex]]


    class UsecaseBase {
        -g: GraphTraversalSource
        -config: Config
        -toDdl(value: View[GraphElement], checkUnique: Boolean): Future[TableList]
        -toDml(value: View[GraphElement], checkUnique: Boolean): Future[RecordList]
        +execute(checkUnique: Boolean): Future[UsecaseResponse]
    class ByExaustiveSearch {
        -g: GraphTraversalSource
        -config: Config
        +execute(checkUnique: Boolean): Future[UsecaseResponse]
    class UsingSpecificKeyList {
        -g: GraphTraversalSource
        -config: Config
        -value: UsingSpecificKeyListRequest
        +execute(checkUnique: Boolean): Future[UsecaseResponse]
    class UsecaseResponse {
        +verticesDdl: TableList,
        +verticesDml: RecordList,
        +edgesDdl: TableList,
        +edgesDml: RecordList
    class UsingSpecificKeyListRequest {
        +value: Seq[UsingSpecificKeyListRequestLabel]
    class UsingSpecificKeyListRequestLabel {
        +label: String
        +value: Seq[UsingSpecificKeyListRequestKey]
    class UsingSpecificKeyListRequestKey {
        +key: String
        +value: Seq[Any]

    UsingSpecificKeyListRequest "1" --* "1" UsingSpecificKeyList
    UsingSpecificKeyListRequestLabel "*" --* "1" UsingSpecificKeyListRequest
    UsingSpecificKeyListRequestKey "*" --* "1" UsingSpecificKeyListRequestLabel

    UsecaseResponse "1" --* "1" UsecaseBase
    UsecaseResponse "1" --* "1" ByExaustiveSearch
    UsecaseResponse "1" --* "1" UsingSpecificKeyList

    ByExaustiveSearch ..|> UsecaseBase
    UsingSpecificKeyList ..|> UsecaseBase


    class FileUtility {
        +readJson(filePath: String): Try[String]
        +writeJson(directoryPath: String, filename: String, jsonString: String): Unit
        +writeSql(directoryPath: String, filename: String, sqlSentenceList: => View[String]): Unit
    class JsonUtility {
        +readForUsingSpecificKeyListRequest(jsonString: String): Try[UsingSpecificKeyListRequest]
        +writeForUsingSpecificKeyListRequest(request: UsingSpecificKeyListRequest): String

Sequence Diagram


    Main->>ByExaustiveSearch: execute ByExaustiveSearch usecase
    ByExaustiveSearch->>(Vertex|Edge)Query: get all vertices / edges
    (Vertex|Edge)Query->>ByExaustiveSearch: return all vertices / edges
    ByExaustiveSearch->>Graph(Vertex|Edge): analyze vertices / edges to convert DDL and DML
    Graph(Vertex|Edge)->>ByExaustiveSearch: return analysis result
    ByExaustiveSearch->>Main: return analysis result
    Main->>FileUtility: try to output SQL


    Main->>UsingSpecificKeyList: execute UsingSpecificKeyList usecase

    loop get connected vertices/edges
        UsingSpecificKeyList->>VertexQuery: get specific vertices
        VertexQuery->>UsingSpecificKeyList: return vertices
        UsingSpecificKeyList->>EdgeQuery: get in edges and out edges from got vertices
        EdgeQuery->>UsingSpecificKeyList: return in edges and out edges

    UsingSpecificKeyList->>Graph(Vertex|Edge): analyze vertices / edges to convert DDL and DML
    Graph(Vertex|Edge)->>UsingSpecificKeyList: return analysis result
    UsingSpecificKeyList->>Main: return analysis result
    Main->>FileUtility: try to output SQL