ASCII Guessing Game The "ASCII Guessing Game" is a fun Python game that challenges players to guess the ASCII value of randomly selected letters and symbols. Players score points for correct guesses, and the game keeps track of the number of guesses and the player's score.
Getting Started To get started with the "ASCII Guessing Game," you'll need to have Python 3 installed on your computer. You can download Python from the official website:
Once you have Python installed, you can download the game code from this repository and run it in your Python environment.
Playing the Game To play the "ASCII Guessing Game," simply run the script in your Python environment. The game will randomly select a letter or symbol from a list and prompt you to guess its ASCII value.
To make a guess, enter a number and press Enter. If your guess is correct, you'll earn a point and the game will display a fun message. If your guess is incorrect, the game will display an encouraging message.
After each guess, the game will ask if you want to play again. If you choose to play again, the game will continue with a new randomly selected character.
Contributing Contributions to the "ASCII Guessing Game" are welcome! If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue or submit a pull request.