Invoice Financing demo on a Bank Network using Hyperledger Fabric
The Bank Network is composed of two banks (organizations), Alpha and Beta. Each bank has two peer nodes.
Following the steps for a fabric node, which includes the prerequisite, fabric-samples and hyperledger fabric images.
cd fabric-samples
cd invfinancing-banknetwork
npm install
node enrollAdmin-alpha.js
node registerUser-alpha.js
node enrollAdmin-beta.js
node registerUser-beta.js
ls wallet
Substitute bank with alpha or beta to reflect which bank runs the client application.
Initialize a new invoice for a company: node initInv-bank.js <company> <invno> <invamount>
. For example,
node initInv-alpha.js Alice inv-bob001 10000
Query an existing invoice: node queryInv-bank.js <company> <invno>
. For example,
node queryInv-alpha.js Alice inv-bob001
Request loan on an existing invoice: node requestLoan-bank.js <company> <invno> <loanamt>
. For example,
node requestLoan-alpha.js Alice inv-bob001 7000
You can try any combination of command, simulating query from other bank, or company applies amount exceeding the invoice amount, etc.