You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 12
Tips for controlling EIGER detector
May be specific for EIGER X 9M (at BL32XU, SPring-8)..
EIGER 9M (and 16M) have function to use 4M ROI. To enable 4M ROI,
import eigerclient
e = eigerclient.DEigerClient(host=eiger_host)
e.setDetectorConfig("roi_mode", "4M")
The beam center coordinate is not automatically shifted. Need to subtract 511 (one panel plus gap) from beam center y (slow). To disable ROI mode, call e.setDetectorConfig("roi_mode", "disabled")
Reference: EIGER User Manual
We updated pixel_mask when hot pixels were accidentally made (by very intense X-ray).
import eigerclient
import numpy
from base64 import b64decode
e = eigerclient.DEigerClient(host=eiger_host)
tmp = e.detectorConfig("pixel_mask")
pm = numpy.fromstring(b64decode(tmp["value"]["data"]), dtype=tmp["value"]["type"]).reshape(tmp["value"]["shape"])
This pm
is pixel_mask which is equivalent to what is stored in master.h5:
import h5py
h = h5py.File("foo_master.h5", "r")
pm_in_h5 = h["/entry/instrument/detector/detectorSpecific/pixel_mask"][:]
print numpy.all(pm==pm_in_h5) # True
import eigerclient
from base64 import b64encode
e = eigerclient.DEigerClient(host=eiger_host)
pm = ... # Prepare somehow
new_conf = {
'__darray__': (1,0,0),
'type': pm.dtype.str,
'shape': pm.shape,
'filters': ['base64'],
'data': b64encode(pm.data) }
e.setDetectorConfig("pixel_mask", new_conf)
After this, pixel_mask is kept on EIGER system. It was kept after rebooting DCU. Probably firmware update will revert this.
If you are only interested in the central panels, masking other panels can reduce the file size (due to bslz4 compression). This trick seems to work, but use it with care.
import eigerclient
import json
import numpy
import time
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
import cPickle as pickle
import os
e = eigerclient.DEigerClient(host=eiger_host)
tmp = e.detectorConfig("pixel_mask")
pm = numpy.fromstring(b64decode(tmp["value"]["data"]), dtype=tmp["value"]["type"]).reshape(tmp["value"]["shape"])
pklout = time.strftime("pixel_mask_%y%m%d_%H%M%S.pkl")
pickle.dump(pm, open(pklout, "w"), -1) # save backup
val = 2 # 1 (gap) does not work.
nt,nb = 2,2 # number of upper/lower panels to be masked
nl,nr = 1,1 # number of left/right-most panels to be masked
if nt>0: pm[0:551*nt,:] |= val
if nb>0: pm[-551*nb:-1,:] |= val
if nl>0: pm[:,0:1040*nl] |= val
if nr>0: pm[:,-1040*nr:-1] |= val
pickle.dump(pm, open(os.path.splitext(pklinout)[0]+"_masked.pkl", "w"), -1) # backup
new_conf = {
'__darray__': (1,0,0),
'type': pm.dtype.str,
'shape': pm.shape,
'filters': ['base64'],
'data': b64encode(pm.data) }
print e.setDetectorConfig("pixel_mask", new_conf)
May be helpful when reporting issues to DECTRIS.
host= # give address of EIGER DCU
wd=eiger_logs_`date "+%y%m%d_%H%M%S"`
mkdir $wd
cd $wd
wget -i - <<+