My vim config both on Linux and Windows.
Kallen Ding, Feb 02 2016
git clone
cd vimrc
git submodule init
git submodule update
cp -r .vimrc .vim $HOME
Type | Name | Introduction |
Bundle | L9 |
l9 is a Vim-script library, which provides some utility functions and commands for programming in Vim. |
Bundle | Mark |
Bundle | jsbeautify |
Bundle | matrix.vim |
Bundle | FuzzyFinder |
Bundle | |
Bundle | taglist.vim |
Bundle | closetag.vim |
Bundle | YankRing.vim |
Bundle | AutoComplPop |
Bundle | The-NERD-tree |
Bundle | |
Bundle | majutsushi/tagbar |
Bundle | The-NERD-Commenter |
Bundle | Yggdroot/indentLine |
Bundle | Raimondi/delimitMate |
Bundle | drmingdrmer/xptemplate |
Bundle | scrooloose/nerdcommenter |