AutoHotKey script to capture to Logseq.
A way to easily capture your clipboard or anything you would like to Logseq.
- Adds to you daily journal With CTRL+ALT+L
- Asks for location of your Journals folder on first run.
- Switches to Logseq after capturing
Your clipboard is added as default text. After OK it adds TODO. Then it tries to switch to Logseq.
- Windows
- AutoHotKey
Install the open source scripting language AutoHotKey first.
Place the .AHK file and .ico file in your desired folder. Double click to start the script.
To automatically run on startup add to your startupfolder.
Pressing Shift + Ctrl + L will open the window and add you clipboardcontents or what you write to your journals file.
The script can be edited, right click and choose edit.
The Trigger is Shift + Ctrl + L
. To change the letter just pick you own letter after +^