##Dashboard: KesriTalks Dashboard is an important part of most of the web applications so there is the static dashboard of my YouTube channel 'kesriTalks'. Through this project, I learned new libraries of reactjs used for graphs and charts and revised old concepts.
- useState hook: change the state of function ex- expanding card, active sidebar content
- Map method: calling array of object- reusability
- Icon scout: for various icon on dashboard
- React Apex chart: for designing beautiful charts Syntax:
- Framer motion: package contains ‘Animated share layout’ used for smooth transition between the components
- Animated share layout :for expanding and compact of card
- library for circular graph
- Material ui table- for designing table
- Responsive css3 designs
- for sidebar for mobile view <div className="bars" style={expanded?{left: '50%'}:{left: '5%'}} onClick={()=>setExpaned(!expanded)}>
<motion.div className='sidebar'
#Points to note Divide page into grids
- Unique layoutId: Added layoutId prop to the motion.div elements to help AnimateSharedLayout manage animations correctly.
- Import motion from framer-motion: Ensured motion is imported from framer-motion to utilize the layoutId feature.
- Total feature of framer motion library to close and open side bar