A simple python class for neural network from scratch
Hi everyone
It's a simple python code which contains a MLP neural network and wrote from scratch. It's training algorithm is Marquart-Levenbeurg method.
from NN import NeuralNetwork
myNN = NeuralNetwork(
number_of_inputs= place number of inputs here,
number_of_hidden_neurons= [h1,h2,....], # place each layer number of neurons as hi e.g [5,5]
number_of_outputs= place number of inputs here,
#activation_function=lambda x: 2/(1+numpy.exp(-2*x))-1, # you can set any activation function you like
#activation_function_derivation=lambda x: 1+(2/(1+numpy.exp(-2*x))-1)**2, # wrote down activation function derivation
max_epoch=100, # number of epochs, default is 1000
#log=True, #if you want see some log in training
"Inputs" are inputs data for neural network and "Outputs" are target neural network must reach as it output for each input
NN.Train(Inputs=Inputs, Outputs=Outputs, learning_factor=1e+10, thershold=1e-10)
Good luck!
you can use google colab and numba or cupy to speed up running