C++/Python implementation of fully evolvable Artificial Neural Networks. Uses the ES-HyperNEAT algorithms to indirectly encode ANNs with bio-mimetic patterns (repetitions, symmetry...), large number of neurons and relative robustness to input/output variations between generations. The API is served in Python and computations are performed in C++.
To generate directed graphs for the genomes. Can only be fetched by system installer (apt-get, yum, ...). See https://graphviz.org/download/ for instructions
To generate non-interactive images of ANN (through plotly).
Due to inconsistent support, left as an optional dependency.
Use pip install abrain[...,kaleido]
to get it
- Functionalities:
Order-independent ANN evaluation (with back buffer)?
Crossover / historical markings
- Actually needed?
MANN Integration
- Easy extraction
- built-in testing
- C++ wrapper
- Visu
- Documentation
Advanced usage
move to scikit/poetry/... ?
- Documentation
- Recent install gives
no loadimage plugion for "svg:cairo"
for pdf output
- Recent install gives