I'm Software Developer working in Myanmar 🇲🇲
- 🔭 I’m currently working at FreshMoe | [https://freshmoe.com]
- 🤔 I’m trying to become a software engineer.
- 📫 How to reach me: khamenkhai2003@gmail.com
I'm Software Developer working in Myanmar 🇲🇲
Social media app built with Flutter, Firebase, and Riverpod.It includes many features like like posts,comment on posts,shared story etc.It also has features such as theme customization,local notifi…
Dart 1
Delivery app build with getx including user site,admin site and delivery man site.There are many features like user can order items,admin can assign orders to delivery man,and delivery man can proc…
Dart 1
Weather App follows the principles of Clean Architecture, separating business logic from presentation and data layers to ensure modularity and scalability.
A user-friendly chat application built with Flutter, leveraging Clean Architecture for maintainability and scalability. Features real-time messaging, group chats, multimedia support, and secure con…
Forked from RivaanRanawat/tiktok-flutter-clone
Full Stack TikTok Clone using Flutter, Firebase & GetX
Forked from codeartisanlab/Hotel-Management-System-in-Laravel-8-MySQL-and-Bootstrap-5
Hotel Management System in Laravel 8, MySQL and Bootstrap 5