Solving same problem in multiple programming languages.
Implement a class that takes a list of sorted collections and returns a sorted iterator.
class MergeSorted<E> {
MergeSorted(List<Iterable<E>> collections);
public Iterator<E> iterator();
- In each language use the language specific idioms.
- Try to use iterators (lazy) specific to each language.
- Read test file one time for each colection
- Assume data is too large to fit into memory at same time
- There are 2 files
- data/test.txt is successful test
- data/err.txt is a error test. The data is larger. NOTE: The full file should not be read to indicate the data is invalid. aka lazy)
- Each file has:
- Header line of format NUMBER=\d+ for number of collections in file.
- Note collections and results can span multiple lines.
- Collection lines of form COLLECTION{num}=\d+,\d+,... where num is collection number
- Collection numbers are from 0 to n-1
- Result lines are of form OUTPUT=\d+,\d+,