You will need a full Tex distribution installed to build.
Assuming you have xelatex
in your PATH, simply modify cv.tex
to your liking and compile to PDF with xelatex cv.tex
The following are the available commands used for customizing the template to make it yours. You can take a look at the original cv.tex
as an example.
\themeColor{cvDarkBlue} % Change the theme color
\name{Christopher Poenaru} % Your name, as it appears at the top of the document
\tagline{Computer Engineer {\hspace{5pt}--\hspace{5pt}} Functional Programmer {\hspace{5pt}--\hspace{5pt}} Triathlete {\hspace{5pt}--\hspace{5pt}} Rock Climber} % Tagline displayed below your name
\email{} % Your email, displayed in the Contact section
\web{} % Your website, displayed in the Contact section
\linkedin{chrispoenaru} % Your linkedin alias, displayed in the Contact section
\github{kiambogo} % Your Github handle, displayed in the Contact section
\skills{...} % List of skillsItem, comprising the Skills section
\about{...} % Optional About section
\projects{...} % List of cvEntry, comprising the Projects section
\experience{...} % List of cvEntry, comprising the Experience section
\education{...} % List of cvEntry, comprising the Education section
The following colours are defined and ready for use.
You can also sub in your own custom colours if you'd like.
\definecolor{aquamarine}{RGB}{127, 255, 212}