Julia implementation of harbour porpoise agent based models, based on https://github.com/jacobnabe/Porp-Move. The models run > 10 times faster than the same models run on Netlogo.
- model 0 took around 3.5 seconds for 150,000 loops (with 4 porpoise agents),
- model 1 took around 10 seconds for 15,000 loops (with 4 porpoise agents).
- Nabe-Nielsen, J., Tougaard, J., Teilmann, J., Lucke, K. & Forchhammer, M.C. (2013) How a simple adaptive foraging strategy can lead to emergent home ranges and increased food intake. Oikos, 122, 1307–1316.
- Nabe-Nielsen, J., Sibly, R.M., Tougaard, J., Teilmann, J. & Sveegaard, S. (2014) Effects of noise and by-catch on a Danish harbour porpoise population. Ecological Modelling, 272, 242–251.