deprecated can be seemlessly replaced by @genx/config
An environment-aware config system.
- Multiple data source.
- Deep override.
- Rewrite config.
- Support interpolation: ES6 string template, Javascript value
let fileSource = new JsonConfigProvider('path/to/config.json');
let config = new ConfigLoader(fileSource);
await config.load_()...;
let dbSource = new DbConfigProvider(;
config.provider = dbSource;
await config.reload_()...;
// same as: let envAwareLoader = new ConfigLoader(
// new (EnvAwareConfigProviderF('.json', JsonConfigProvider, 'default'))('config/dir', 'app', 'production')
// );
let envAwareLoader = ConfigLoader.createEnvAwareJsonLoader('config/dir', 'app', 'production');
// Loader will load config/dir/app.default.json first,
// and then load config/dir/app.production.json,
// and finally override the default.
let cfg = await envAwareLoader.load_();