A web push notification demo with Java Spring Boot backend and Vue frontend.
Assuming the system has JDK (17 or later, with JAVA_HOME
environment variable set) and npm installed:
git clone https://github.com/kitsook/web-push-test.git
# to build and start backend
cd web-push-test
./mvnw clean package spring-boot:run
# in another shell, to build and start frontend
cd web-push-test/src/ui
npm install && npm run serve
The backend restful API will be listening on http://localhost:8081
and frontend is served via http://localhost:8080
- A Spring Boot application with restful APIs for managing subscriptions and triggering the backend to push notifications
- Key components
: serving APIs for pushing notificationcontrollers/SubscriptionController
: serving APIs for managing subscriptiondto/NotificationMessage
: bean for the notification message. Only a few available fields are included for demo purposesservices/MessageService
: service to communicating with Push server using webpush-javautils/Storage
: temporary storage for the demo. The public/private key pair should be stored in securied storage for production deployment. Also the subscriptions should be stored in persistent storageWebPushTestApplication
: main application. It usesWebMvcConfigurer
to open CORS calling for demo purposes. Should setup properly for actual deployment
- Since it has no persistent storage, whenever the backend is restarted, user will need to re-subscribe for the notification to work
- The Swagger document of the backend restful API is available at http://localhost:8081/v1/swagger-ui/index.html when backend is running
- To start the backend for debugging:
./mvnw clean package spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"
- Implemented with Vue and Vuetify
- Key components
: UI for the subscriptions- Shows whether user has granted permission to display notofication
- To subscribe / unsubscribe from the notification
: allow manually add subscriptions for testing purposesui/src/components/Message.vue
: UI for triggering the backend to send notificationui/src/services/Publishing.js
: calling the restful APIs with hard-codedlocalhost
: the logic to run when receiving notifications. It is registered during the initialization ofSubscribe.vue
. Alternatively, instead of using a standalone js file, the logic can be part of the webpack