Script for corrupting (live)video-stream with Processing and MPV.
Main parts of the script are:
- Grabbing live-stream feed with MPV
- Saving it in parts on HDD
- Corrupting the files with Processing
- Play and loop corrupted files (outside script)
MPV supports commandline arguments and works well with commandline-tool Youtube-downloader (ytdl). Firstly, setup the arguments for MPV in the function record(n)
, which takes the custom name for the file as an argument:
void record(String n) {
sourceFile = "out"+n+".ts";
params = new String[] { "C:\\mpv\\mpv.exe",
The next part of the function tries to run the program with Runtime.getRuntime().exec(params);
. It then caches the file on HDD, until the size has met the threshold. This is checked with:
int checkBytes(String File) {
byte b[] = loadBytes(File);
return b.length;
during draw()
. If the bytes.length of the cached file == threshold, then function stopRec()
is called:
void stopRec() {
try {
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
rt.exec("taskkill /IM mpv.exe");
ready = false;
catch (Exception e) {
println("Couldn't taskkill "+e);
Corrupting the files is done by replacing a number of bytes in the file. Input is the newly saved video file, output is the corrupted file:
void corruptFile(String File, String p) {
String source = File+p+".ts";
byte b[] = loadBytes(source);
targetFile = "D:\\Footage\\2020\\datamoshing\\stream\\"+nf(day(), 2)+"-"+nf(month(), 2)+"-"+nf(year(), 4)+"\\corrupt"+p+".ts";
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j ++) // change 1 to any value to generate more images
byte bCopy[] = new byte[b.length];
arrayCopy(b, bCopy);
// load binary of file
int scrambleStart = 10;
// scramble start excludes 10 bytes
int scrambleEnd = b.length;
// scramble end
n = int((b.length/50000)*factor);
// number of replacements - go easy as too much will kill the file
// swap bits
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int PosA = int(random (scrambleStart, scrambleEnd));
int PosB = int(random (scrambleStart, scrambleEnd));
byte tmp = bCopy[PosA];
bCopy[PosA] = bCopy[PosB];
bCopy[PosB] = tmp;
// save the file ///
saveBytes(targetFile, bCopy);
println(n, targetFile);
is used to clear memory (garbage collector), as memory will fill up with previous file data.
In the folder with saved corrupted files, create a .bat file with infinite loop:
for %i in (*.ts) do ffplay -autoexit %i
goto loop