A single-page application made with Vue.js where anybody could go and post an image of their choosing, along with a title and a textual description of that image, and others could go and look at that image and make thoughtful remarks about it.
I created this app with Vue.js. There are four input fields: image title, image description, username, and a file input for the image itself and a submit button. I used css-grid to replace the images on the screen. In order to upload the images I used amazon web service S3 abilities. Users can navigate through the uploaded images by clicking on the direction arrows on both sides of the picture.
-Visitors can see a main screen with most recently uploaded images. These are shown as "cards" arranged in a grid on larger screens and a column on smaller screens.
-There is a pagination with a more button which the users can see more images.
-They can click each images and see he title of the image, the description of the image, and the name of the user who uploaded it.
-When users have the image modal open, they can add comments about the image that is displayed. Additionally, users can see all the comments that have already been made about the image.
-At the image model users can see a large sized image and they can see other images by click next previous buttons.
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