This is the manual found at ( All contributions are welcome!
To view and edit the manual is simple. Simply clone the ASL-Manual project, install mkdocs (see below per platform), and begin editing.
Installing MkDocs is required to view/test the documentation. See the setup directions below for the appropriate platform you're running. Pages are composed in the Markdown format.
Edits should be done in a git branch and push the branch back to GitHub for developers to consider inclusion. A branch is simply a named copy of the repository that contains your changes. A branch name should be a short label of what the change is for - for example "add_foopage". A branch name cannot contain whitespace. Each branch should contain a specific set of changes that are thematically related.
The general workflow, using a terminal or PowerShell session is:
git clone
cd ASL3-Manual
git branch some_label_here
git checkout some_label_here
mkdocs serve
Now the files may be edited. If you aren't sure what editor to use then consider using VSCode. It supports very nice syntax highlighting for Markdown. It also has plugins to help with managing a Git respository if you are unfamiliar with that.
Browse to see the existing documentation set.
As you edit files in the docs/
directory, the web browser window will be
updated in real time by the running mkdocs serve
command. Watch that
terminal window for any error and correct them before committing
code to the repository.
After all the edits have been made. Commit the changes and push the branch back to GitHub:
git commit .
git push origin some_label_here
After that, go to the GitHub repository and open a Pull Request for the changes. Describe the nature of the changes. One of the core developers much approve and accept the changed.
ASL-Manual is generated with MkDocs. While it is possible to contribute to the manual without installing MkDocs, it would be difficult. Fortunately MkDocs is available on all normal user platforms with Python pip.
- Install Python3 with the Windows installer
- Checkout the project as described below in Contributing to the Manual
- Install mkdocs from PowerShell
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install Python3 with the Mac installer as needed
brew install python3
- Checkout the project as described below in Contributing to the Manual
- Create a virtual python environment and install the necessary packages
python3 -m venv ~/.mkdocs
. ~/.mkdocs/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Every new shell, enter the python venv with . ~/.mkdocs/bin/activate
beginning to use any mkdocs
My zsh prompt now leads with (.mkdocs)
- Checkout the project as described below in Contributing to the Manual
- Create a virtual python environment and install the necessary packages
python3 -m venv ~/.mkdocs
. ~/.mkdocs/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Every new shell, enter the python venv with . ~/.mkdocs/bin/activate
beginning to use any mkdocs
Use mkdocs build
to compile the site into HTML. However, never
check the directory site
into the ASL-Manual repository.
You need working copies of two repositories on your local system. The directory structure should look like this:
After making and verifying your updates locally you need to change
directories to the
repository and call the
mkdocs gh-deploy
command from there:
cd ../
git reset --hard origin/main
mkdocs gh-deploy --config-file ../ASL3-Manual/mkdocs.yml --remote-branch main
Note that you need to explicitly point to the mkdocs.yml
configuration file as
it is no longer in the current working directory. You also need to inform the
deploy script to commit to the main
branch. You may override the default
with the [remote_branch] configuration setting. If you forget to change
directories before running the deploy script, it will commit to the master
branch of your project, which you probably don't want.
The live site will be at (