Generic system of entities written in zig. Without ABA problems, using generational index in order to access the associated data. The code is clear and simple to understand.
usingnamespace @import("entities");
pub fn main () void {
var entities = Entities(f32).init(default_allocator);
const handle_1 = try entities.append(1.5);
const handle_2 = try entities.append(2.5);
const handle_3 = try entities.append(3.5);
// You could hardcode specific handle id.
const handle_4 = try entities.append_hard(4.5, 55);
// Getting the inner data by using associated handle.
print("{}\n", .{entities.get(handle_2)});
// Removes data using bucket pooling.
// Iterator over all active handles.
var it = entities.interate();
while( |datum| {
print("datum: {}\n", .{datum.*});