Access the deployed web app
This Twitter Clone is designed to imitate most of the twitter web functionality.
The Twitter Clone uses Google Account login
It will automatically create your account if it's your first time logging in. It will give you a blank profile picture, default background picture, and a displayName as given in your gmail address. Example: => displayname: @JohnDoe.
You can change your displayName, profile picture, and background picture in the profile page
You can upload your own background photo, profile picture, and displayName. The displayName will have validation functionality to determine whether it's unique and exceeds minimum length. If it has been used, you cannot press the save profile button just yet. You have to find a unique displayname or else exit through the X icon to not save all changes
You can open the Tweets, Retweets, and Liked tabs to see your posts
Open up the Explore page to see peoples to follow, search for friends, or see what's trending in the twitter clone.
Type in the displayname and hit enter to start your search. The results will be displayed below the search bar
Look at the trending tweets in the twitter clone
Press on users' profile picture to view their profile page. Click on the follow/following button to follow or unfollow a user
Check out his/her followers/following list
Check out his/her tweets, retweets, and liked
Press on the buttons visible on a tweet to add Reply, Retweet, Like, and or Bookmark
The user replied will recieve a notification on his account that he was being mentioned. You can also see other peoples' replies. See the tweet, its replies, and other stats by clicking the tweet to open the tweet page