EVE Armada is a website to explore the eve universe and your characters, corporations and alliances.
To setup armada, you will need the following:
- git
- virtualenv
- python 2.7
- pip
- postgresql (with devel package)
- rabbitmq
Install the respective packages, create a database named armada and make sure your user has access to that.
Setup a virtualenv to run armada:
mkdir eve-armada cd eve-armada virtualenv env
git clone git://github.com/kriberg/eve-armada.git
Activate the virtualenv and install eve-armada python requirements.
source env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup your local_settings.py with your database configuration, celery broker configuration, media root, smtp settings etc.
Grab one of the postgresql eve SDE conversions from http://zofu.no-ip.de/ and
import it into the database you created. The reloaddb script is only intended
for development environments, as it will scratch your entire database when run.
Import the dump will probably take quite a while. The script will also create
the file eve_table_names.txt
, which will be used to generate models for the
SDE tables.
cd data wget http://zofu.no-ip.de/inf12/inf12-pgsql-v1-unquoted-compatible.sql.bz2 bunzip2 inf12-pgsql-v1-unquoted-compatible.sql.bz2 ./reloaddb.sh inf12-pgsql-v1-unquoted-compatible.sql cd ..
After loading the eve static data export, we generate the django models for the dump and put those in eve/ccpmodels.py.
python manage.py generateevemodels data/eve_table_names.txt > armada/eve/ccpmodels.py
The SDE uses compound primary keys for some tables, which django in turn doesn't support. For these, we will need to add single-column primary keys. The generateevemodels management command will detect these tables and add some sql, for you to run, at the end of eve/ccpmodels.py. Copypaste that into a psql prompt to create the needed columns.
Run syncdb to create the remaining tables.
python manage.py syncdb
If everything is in order, you should now be able to start the dev server and the celery demon and the python-smtpd loopback in separate terminals
python manage.py runserver python manage.py celeryd -l info python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025
Point your browser to http://localhost:8000/ and register a new user, add api keys and add some pilots