A template engine for the JVM, based on the Angular component architecture.
ngoy == Template + JVM + Angular
enjoy ngoy!
Ngoy.renderString("hello {{name}}", Context.of("name", "world"), System.out);
// hello world
@Component(selector = "app", template = "hello {{ name | uppercase }}")
public class App {
public String name = "world";
public static void main(String[] args) {
// hello WORLD
Visit the ngoy website.
Clone ngoy-starter-web to get started.
Run the complete Tour of Heroes tutorial rewrite using ngoy.
Checkout the examples collection.
More ready-to-use modules.
You can download the ngoy binaries from here or via jitpack.io:
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
We would love to hear your feedback! Please file an issue here.
gradle clean buildAll