Triage Triumph is a Python-based game designed to evaluate triage situations. Triage refers to the process by which a medical professional conducts a preliminary assessment of a patient to determine the urgency of their condition. This step is crucial in ensuring that patients with serious injuries or illnesses receive timely treatment while managing the flow of patients in a healthcare setting. Without effective triaging, patients may face long waits to see a physician, potentially worsening their conditions.
The game consists of multiple-choice and true/false questions. Players will encounter scenarios in which they must triage patients based on their symptoms and severity, identify the appropriate triage color for each patient, and answer general quiz questions related to triage. This project aims to enhance medical professionals' ability to allocate patients effectively and, through repeated play, help them become more proficient in making critical decisions. It provides workers a safe space to make mistakes and ensures they can quickly identify a patient's needs when real-world scenarios occur.
The contributors to this project are Katherine Chadwick and Ashleen Randhawa