Mancala board game written in python.
$ pip install poetry
$ poetry install
$ poetry update
$ poetry build
$ poetry run mancala play --player0 human --player1 random
The values are player1's (second move) win rates in percentage
$ poetry run mancala arena
p0_random p0_exact p0_max p0_minimax p0_negascout p0_mcts
p1_random 50.0 53.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 6.0
p1_exact 42.0 48.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 9.0
p1_max 95.0 91.0 41.0 0.0 3.0 66.0
p1_minimax 100.0 96.0 87.0 30.0 39.0 90.0
p1_negascout 100.0 97.0 84.0 19.0 32.0 87.0
p1_mcts 94.0 96.0 39.0 3.0 7.0 45.0
Mancala is a game with perfect information.
Mini-max is an algorithm for n-player zero-sum games. The concept is to assume the opponent will take their best move and try to minimize them.
- MiniMax
- Alpha-beta pruning–beta_pruning
- Negamax
- NegaScout (PVS, principal variation search)
- Monte Carlo Tree Search
Using Dynamic Programming (DP), calculate value for states and memorize them. Use the value and policy for planning.